Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (8-20-2012)


1)  I am wondering if we should excommunicate John Kerry and send him to another nation for the way he talks about our warriors. John Kerry is a hypocrite and a meathead. Oh, I can’t forget he is also an apparatchik for Comrade Obama.


  1. Famous Democrat War Hero Attacks Fellow Warriors. Again


2) Senator Jeanne Shaheen is a meatheaded story teller to say Obama lead the Seals to kill Bin Laden.  She needs to get her facts straight.


  1. Dem. Senator: Obama Led SEALs Mission to Kill Bin Laden

  2. Shameful: Demo Sen. Jeanne Shaheen introduces Obama as, “the Commander-in-Chief who Led the Mission” that Killed Osama bin Laden " (video)

*********************************************************************** 3)  Michael Bloomberg believes nobody is coming across the U.S.-Mexico border in a long time. I  am wondering what kind of glasses he is looking through.


  1. Bloomberg On Illegal Immigration: “Nobody Has Come Across” U.S.-Mexico “Border In A Long Time”…

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