Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Prayer For Our Nation… By Dub And Deb


A Prayer For Our Nation… by Dub and Deb over at Canada Free Press

Good morning, guys! It’s great to be alive and well, isn’t it? We sure hope this post finds you all in the same boat.

Today we’ll change up just a little and talk about the fate of our Country some, and touch on our religious beliefs as well.

For all that didn’t know Deb, you missed out. She truly was a good Christian woman. She believed in God, she loved God, and she’d profess her faith in God to all that inquired, “How can you stay so happy and upbeat dealing with your cancer?”

Her answer was always the same. She’d point skyward with that little finger of hers and state, “HE…shows me the way.”

And he did. Of this I have no doubt. Deb used to tell me, “He talks to me.”

In the beginning I’d have reservations of this ACTUALLY taking place. I’d think, “Well, maybe she dreamed that he spoke with her.” As time passed, I became convinced that Deb did in fact hold conversations with our Lord.

After living with Deb our last 14 and a half months together it was so apparent to me, and anyone else that had contact with her, we just knew this woman was indeed living, and having, a very, very special relationship with God. He smiled on her daily.

Before carrying on with this post this morning I’d like you to stop for just a moment and ponder, “Is God living in my life?” If so, you know what I’m talking about. If not, I only wish you would take just a moment and ask God to come into your own life. He’s there for us, we only have to ask him in.

In my own regard, I personally struggle every day in my attempt to live a better, more fulfilling life as a Christian. It ain’t easy, and I come up short far too many times for even my own liking, but fortunately for us all…we have a forgiving God. He loves us each and every one!


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