Friday, July 20, 2012

Why I'm Boycotting The Olympics: IOC Admits Muslims Prevented The Honoring Of Murdered Israeli Athletes By Rob Miller


Why I'm Boycotting the Olympics: IOC Admits Muslims Prevented the Honoring of Murdered Israeli Athletes by Rob Miller over at American Thinker

The Olympics are due to start in London.  But I will not be watching them, discussing them, or even thinking about them, and I urge anyone with a claim to human decency to do the same.

In 1972, at the Olympics in Munich, PLO terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes.  The games, of course, went on, and there has never been any effort to memorialize the victims.

On this, the 40 th anniversary of this barbarism, the families of the victims, led by Munich widow Ankie Spitzer, petitioned the International Olympic Committee to honor the memory of the murdered athletes with a minute of silence, something most Western countries were in favor of:

Munich widow Ankie Spitzer spearheaded the campaign by launching an online protest, which has since garnered support from across political spectrums in several countries including Israel, Canada, the UK, Australia, the US, Belgium and Germany.

In the latest development, some 140 Italian parliamentarians signed a letter to [IOC president] Rogge this week, calling for minute's silence to be instituted.

The appeal was driven by Italian Jewish MP Fianna Nirenstein, who is vice president of the parliamentary commission on foreign affairs, and who said the gesture would mark "a moment of pity for these murdered athletes and a firm condemnation of terror".

In a letter launching her campaign for an official silence to mark the 40th anniversary of the Munich Massacres, Spitzer wrote:

"Silence is a fitting tribute for athletes who lost their lives on the Olympic stage. Silence contains no statements, assumptions or beliefs and requires no understanding of language to interpret."

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