Obama Email: 51st B-Day Party 'So Cool You're Almost Jealous Of Yourself'
The ‘Bonehead’ in Chief Fibs on Drilling
Obama Economy: Food Prices Skyrocketed in 2011
Obama: Texas Will Become Battleground State
Barack Obama, Bitter Clinger
Obama Campaign Fundraises Off Rush Limbaugh
Flash Mobs ARE Obama's America
The Truth Behind President Obama’s Attack on Success
Obama Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It, Calls for $12.7 Trillion in New Welfare Spending
Obama Descends Into Self Parody
Obama Ad Claims Mitt Romney May Not Have Paid Taxes
The first and second crotches of the USA...
Some folks "got it" way back in 2010..
2016: Obama's America
Obama's 'Jobs Council' hasn't met for 6 months
Obama: The Bane of Capital
New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers
Obama and the Fantasy of Omniscient Government
Barack Obama Versus You
Another budget deadline missed by the Obama administration
Obama, Rush, and Liberty
Expert: Obama Seen as Supporting Islamists
WTF? Of The Day
‘He wants Americans to be ashamed of success’: Romney attacks Obama for saying that government has a role in the success of businesses
Obama’s Shaggy Dog Story About the Golden Gate Bridge
New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers
Obama’s Spokespeople, Speaking From One Mouth
Obama’s South Side Chicago thuggery
New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers
Barack Obama, the Great Demotivator
Barack the broken record
Obama sans teleprompter: Calls the Internet the 'Internate"
Sick And Tired Of Obama
Obama Did THIS On His Own!
Obama’s Economic Policies Same As Those Of His Communist Mentor
We Have a Lifetime of Context for What Obama Said About American Business
Obama getting hoisted by his own immigration pandering
Obama’s vision of the state as master, not as servant
Obama’s Birth Certificate is a Genuine Forgery
Obama Has A Message For MLK…
Obama Won’t Say If Department of Justice Should Investigate Romney For a “Felony”…
Obama Says One Thing, Facts Say Something Else