Friday, July 20, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 19,2012


  1. Without rain, streams, wells may dry up, but not Wabash, creeks

  2. Conservative Caucus Offers Reward for Operation Fast and Furious Information

  3. Hypocrisy: Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz Refuse to Release Tax Returns

  4. Judge Dismisses Religious Freedom Challenge to Obamacare

  5. I wish we had a Chick-Fil-A in North Idaho...

  6. Partisan Hack Judge Blocks Voter ID Law in Wisconsin

  7. Today is haircut day...

  8. Mitt: "Maybe Obama is not such a "nice" guy...

  9. Peter Schiff: Next economic collapse will make 2008 look like a walk in the park...

  10. Ever wonder how long that can of beans you own is good for?..

  11. Thrive….or Die

  12. Daily Read – July 19


  14. Food-For-Thought Of The Day

  15. Uh-Oh Of The Day

  16. Mr. Smooth: Deval Patrick eyes road fixes for Michelle Obama

  17. Here Are The Numbers That Should Have Democrats Frightened In An Awful Poll For Obama

  18. Muslim Dispute Resolution Techniques...

  19. I bet it listed Dearborn as place of residence.

  20. Cover Up Or Be Raped - Ezra v. Toronto's Latest Mad Mullah

  21. And we're back...

  22. The Love Story of Romeo and Omar

  23. ATF Acting Director Todd Jones delivers video warning to whistle-blowers...

  24. Report: FBI failed to investigate Army Maj. Nidal Hasan because of political correctness

  25. Who Is My Enemy? Redux

  26. Bawaaahahaha! Maori look more ridiculous by the day!

  27. come November, it’ll turn even uglier. Bet on it.

  28. Cynicism - enemy of faith

  29. Yeah, he just happened to be trying to get to Pakistan

  30. Pelosi to Dems: Skip the Convention

  31. Trump renews demand for Obama records

  32. Thank you Elizabeth Warren (for possibly costing Obama the election)

  33. Convention-dodging now the official strategy of Congressional Democrats

  34. Don’t let the facts on Huma Abedin’s family get in the way of attacking Michele Bachmann

  35. The Day Rationality Stood Still

  36. A Teachable Moment For Barack Obama, Courtesy of Bristol Palin

  37. Texas Conservatives: Make a Stand With Ted Cruz

  38. Maori water superstition and freedom of belief

  39. Black mobs’ Knockout Game raising alarms

  40. Getting out of the Poverty Box

  41. 1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama: Complete Edition

  42. Cause of Poverty - Stupidity and Foolishness - Refusing Instruction

  43. Strong Shepherds Among You

  44. Only PC Zealots and Naive Imbeciles
    Aren't With Bachmann 100% On This One

  45. Knowing When It’s Time to Surrender the Vision

  46. Hardcover Books: Now Used For Kindling?

  47. Kinder Chocolates Are Egg-cellent

  48. The Queen Of Mars

  49. Now how the Hell am I supposed to concentrate now?

  50. Your Blog Headline of the Day!

  51. Your Marxist Moron of the Day is Rep. Hank Johnson

  52. Nutty Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren Agrees With Obama… Business Owners Don’t Create Squat

  53. In August 2010 Obama Praised Success of Solar Giant Amonix… This Week It Went Bust (Video)

  54. Missouri Defending the Dream Summit – Saturday in Springfield

  55. MILITARY INSIDER: President Obama – “By Any Means Necessary”

  56. Because Darkness Hates the Light – ROLL CALL!

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