Friday, July 6, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 5, 2012


  1. Occupy Independence Day Protesters Late Due to Free Ice Cream

  2. Rush To Conservatives: Stop Arguing Semantics, Start Fighting Obamacare

  3. Senator Grassley Reveals Damaging Fast & Furious Memo

  4. Shopping alert...

  5. Seriously folks...

  6. Food-For-Thought Of The Day

  7. Pic Of The Day

  8. Democrats Are Getting Nervous About Obama’s Money Problems

  9. Muslim Witch Hunts

  10. Blog Off!

  11. Hope your Fourth of July was a blast

  12. Sweet land of liberty

  13. Awkward: Marine Corps Band Strikes Up Romney Campaign Song During WH Event

  14. It’s time. Again.

  15. Queensland

  16. Francis Porretto:

  17. Ecclesiastes Wisdom and Jesus' Wisdom

  18. Presbyterian Church considers going all anti-Israel boycott again

  19. Marine Corps band would not have done this if Obama were …

  20. If it looks like a duck, if it …

  21. Talk Is Always Cheaper

  22. Sleeze-bag flees the country

  23. International Criminal Court investigating NZ for eugenics

  24. Education at the time of the American Revolution

  25. New Jewish History Museum in Poland

  26. Fear of Failure Broken!

  27. The Pirate Virus Is Coming

  28. It’s A Bouncing Baby St. Pauli Girl

  29. Welcome, America!

  30. Let’s Play The ‘What If I Actually Thought About Shit’ Game

  31. Face-Eating Zombie Apocalypse Reaches China

  32. *VIDEO* Rep. West: While Terrorists Infiltrate Defense, Financial & Cultural Institutions, Government Plays PC Games

  33. You’ve Got To Check Out This Chinese Ghost Town In… Angola? (Pictures/Video)

  34. Impeach John Roberts Movement Gains Steam

  35. Mitt Romney Tells Lib Media: Obamacare Is a Tax (Video)

  36. Cardinal Dolan: The Obama Administration Wants to Divide the Catholic Church and Paint the Bishops as Bullies (Video)

  37. Countrywide Scandal Resurfaces – Obama Advisers Involved (WSI RELATED)

  38. 1775 or 2012 – Separated by Centuries Not by Issues

  39. Romney Campaign Crushes Fundraising Goals, Raises Over $100 Million In June…

  40. Poll: Number Of Americans Who View Obama As An Extremist Surges 7 Points To 47%…

  41. Separated At Birth?…

  42. Bill Nye “The Science Guy” “The Global Warming Guy” Says He’s Losing To Conservatives “Politicizing” The Climate…

  43. Obama-Backing Hollywood Moonbat Bashes Fourth of July…


  45. GUESS WHAT!!!

  46. Another Book Review

  47. Gov Walker: Using Common Sense!

  48. Daily Read – July 5

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