Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 24, 2012


  1. Why Are Republicans Supporting the Farm Bill?

  2. Maine Man Brings Loaded Gun To Dark Knight Rises

  3. To calm you before bedtime...

  4. Planes...

  5. Democrat Threatens Tea Party Girl

  6. This is what seven yards of bark looks like...w/Update...

  7. Daily Read – July 24

  8. We Said NO!

  9. Racebaiter Of The Day

  10. Video Of The Day

  11. Liberals Rewrite History To ‘Rock The Vote’ For Dems

  12. Women Increasingly Evil According To Latest Statscan Crime Report

  13. Society Has Failed Goatman

  14. "Blame everyone – except the people pulling the trigger."

  15. Marriage: A Social Justice Issue?

  16. Hilarious: Code Pink Launching "Bring your vagina to the Republican National Convention" protest

  17. Poll: More people now blame Obama for bad economy than George Bush, Wall Street or Congress

  18. 63% say Romney's Bain Capital business background would help in dealing with the nation’s economic problems

  19. “a good start”?? Keep dimwitted bimbos away from freedom of speech issues!.

  20. The Breaking Point Where Shift Happens -- Jason Hooper...

  21. Big Government Didn't Build the Internet!

  22. Bain Attacks on Romney Bomb Big Time; Anti-Obama Groundswell Continues to Build

  23. Cherokees Demand Truth: Elizabeth Warren must “pay it forward” by admitting she is not one of them

  24. “… they have food specifically made for cats in America? What a country!”

  25. Lemonade stand owners didn’t make it on their own

  26. DiFi accuses White House of classified intel leaks

  27. 10 sq. miles of bumper stickers surrounded by reality

  28. Elizabeth Warren damages two campaigns with one rant

  29. Sally Ride, R.I.P.

  30. WRAL(Raleigh) Releases N.C. Conceal Carry Database

  31. Republicans in Congress Shafting Us Again

  32. Fulton Sheen on Temptation

  33. A new (old) word from Shakespeare

  34. Poverty notes

  35. Reason for Poverty - It's comfortable

  36. SO Simple Even a Russian can figure it out!

  37. Safe in Dangerous Times

  38. Billy Graham Opens His Heart to the Nation

  39. Virginia May Hold the Key for Obama, Romney

  40. NJ To Beachgoers: Go Pound Sand

  41. Only In Philadelphia

  42. Caption Contest Winners

  43. Katie Holmes does a sexy photo shoot, short washed up over actor hardest hit

  44. Bill Moyers What a bitter little man, and awful bitter decrepit man-stump.

  45. Drugged-Up Douchebag Busted After Writing Bomb Threat On The Back Of His Job Application

  46. A Ghost Haunting Obama Named Barofsky

  47. Washington, D.C. To Release Illegal Alien Criminals Back Into Communities

  48. Small Business Owner Blasts Obama In New Video From House Majority Whip

  49. *VIDEO* Shockingly Incompetent: Assistant Defense Secretary Refuses To Admit That America Is At War With Islamic Extremists

  50. Leftist Goon Viciously Assaults College Kids at Prayer Protest (Video)

  51. Sir Elton John Praises George W. Bush and ‘Conservative Politicians’ (Video)

  52. Warren-Obama Socialist Mash-Up Video Hits The Mark

  53. Senator Feinstein Throws Another Punch Against Obama (WHI RELATED)

  54. Romney’s MUST Give Speech

  55. CBO To Employers: Obamacare Has An Additional $4 Billion More In Taxes Than Previously Expected…

  56. With So Many Dems Skipping Convention, Pelosi Decides To Raffle Off Empty DNC Seats As Fundraising Ploy…

  57. Brother Of Colorado Movie Shooting Victim To MSNBC Host: No, We’re Not Going To Politicize This To Push For Tighter Gun Laws…

  58. Even Lib Darling Jon Stewart Is Ripping ABC’s Brian Ross Over False Report Blaming Tea Party For Colorado Movie Shooting…

  59. WISDOM AND TRUTH Without seeking wisdom from God; ...

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