Calls for Gun Control Stir Little Support
Psalm 80:3-7
Daily Read – July 22
Food-For-Thought Of The Day
Work-Related Of The Day
Fallen Idol: Ugly Paterno Statue Removed
Rep. Keith Ellison Rewrites History on his Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR Ties
North Korea to abandon Military first strategy?
Where did an unemployed college student get $15,000 for an arsenal? (updated)
Flashback Video: Armed Woman prevents Colorado Church massacre...
Saturday Video: 71-year-old shoots would-be robbers at internet cafe
Rasmussen: 49% believe government programs increase level of poverty...
Obvious: Other inmates want to kill Aurora shooter James Holmes
Democrats use Aurora shooting to call for more gun control...
Unbelievable: Government report blames Ft. Hood massacre on a non-religious psychological process of “violent radicalization," not radical Islam...
The U.N.–it’s time to abandon, ignore and de-fund it.
Britain. The downward spiral continues….
where Wabbit stands:
Biblical studies: The elephant in the room
Oh Canada
Remembering Chicago’s victims
Still legal in Texas
Saturday Night Card Game (Analysis: Colorado shooter likely not wingnut because didn’t target gays, Muslims or foreigners)
The Video Michael Bloomberg Needs to Watch
The Genesis Rewrite or Creation According to the Book of Barack
This may be a photoshop..or not
Draw Me Deeper Lord
Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
A Prophetic Showdown Is Coming
Finally! Perfume That Smells Like A Book
Pageant Winner Finds Her Achilles Heel
Tiki Barber the walking definition of an asshole
Former Democrat Zell Miller Says a Late Life Christian Conversion Made Him Conservative
Senator Feinstein: Concealed & Carry Laws Would Have Meant a “Firefight in the Theater” With Many Killed …(Huh? 12 Innocents Were Slaughtered, Senator)
Far Left Actress Ellen Barkin: “I Love Everybody, except u right wing F*ckin morons”
Clown-Faced #Occupy Seattle Goon “Shoots” At Police With Umbrella Prop Gun (Video)
Election 2012 – Don’t Tap Dance in the Mine Field
Poll: Romney Crushing Obama Among Military Veterans, 59% – 35%…
Romney Adviser John Bolton To Israel: “Retaliate” Against Iran For Terror Attack In Bulgaria…
Kudlow: Reagan Praised Entrepreneurs - Obama Trashes Them
Gun Control and the Limited Liberal Imagination