Saturday, July 21, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 20, 2012


  1. Romney Unleashes T-Shirt Ripping Obama’s Anti-Business Outlook

  2. RUSH: Most People Aren't Talking About Romney's Tax Returns

  3. Romney: Obama neglecting the economy

  4. 14 Shot Dead at 'Dark Knight Rises' Screening in Colorado ‎

  5. After Shooting Tragedy, Aurora Chick-fil-A Gives Free Meals to Police Working Case

  6. House Bans Dept. of Defense from Using Money to Violate Defense of Marriage Act

  7. Downton Abbey receives 16 Emmy nominations...

  8. A Reflection Of Society?

  9. I Prefer FrankenDodd

  10. Daily Read – July 20

  11. Big Broohaha

  12. Quote Of The Day

  13. Work-Related Of The Day

  14. Colorado movie shooting victim wrote about escaping Eaton Centre shooting last month

  15. You Made A Difference: Canada needs sealed video footage of Khadr interviews before he can return: Toews

  16. Muslim Arrested For War Crimes Against Christians

  17. Theatre Shooting AT Batman Premiere In Denver 14 dead....Suspect In Custody

  18. BS Bingo!

  19. Romney campaign to hit Obama over cocaine use and ties to felon Tony Rezko

  20. Romney campaign to hit Obama over cocaine use and ties to felon Tony Rezko

  21. Chick-fil-A comes out against gay marriage

  22. Soetoro’s 2012 election contingency

  23. One for the guys

  24. J.C. Penney stock crashes after 'gay'-marriage…

  25. About those polls

  26. Judge rules NYC transit unlawfully banned pro-Israel, anti-Jihad poster

  27. I hope this person fails

  28. No Dem wave in sight, and finalizing Operation Counterweight

  29. Charlie Daniels challenges liberals clinging bitterly to gun control talking points

  30. Romney’s Tax Returns Revisited

  31. Weird, faith based approaches to healing at Whanganui Hospital

  32. How to stop jaywalking

  33. Oh he's a "pizza" something alright! A real "pizza...

  34. Great story

  35. New Books for your Child's Library from the Current Administration:

  36. A Cause of Persistent Poverty - Self Sabotage

  37. There is only ONE person who can give us real change...

  38. Let me explain what the REAL problem is. Romney'...

  39. Expanded Vision

  40. Reagan on America

  41. Weekend Caption Contest

  42. When You Gotta Go . . .

  43. Hockey Night In Philly

  44. Federal Fascism: Crimes, Ineptitude And Anti-Americanism Under The Obama Regime – 2012 Edition

  45. Leftists Call For Stiffer Gun Control Following Aurora Massacre…

  46. Breaking: Colorado Shooter Had Difficult Time Finding Job in Obama Economy

  47. MUST SEE… TX Rep. Louie Gohmert BLASTS Big Sis at House Judiciary Hearing (Video)

  48. Pro-Life Student Hit and Killed on Cross-Country Walk for Life

  49. COLORADO KILLER – PHOTO – Possible Democrat – Was a “Quiet & Easygoing” Former Medical Student – EMAIL …Update: Hair Painted Red?

  50. Explosion at Black Knight Killer’s Apartment …Update: Apartment Booby-Trapped

  51. Today’s Polls: Americans Oppose Democrats On Obamacare, Welfare Payments & Eric Holder’s Handling of Fast & Furious

  52. Friday Fume

  53. Ahmadinejad Gloats Over Deadly Terror Attack On Israeli Civilians In Bulgaria, Hints At Responsibility…

  54. Oh, Those “Compassionate” Leftists!

  55. July 20, 2012 Urgent Prayer For Colorado AND Kim Clement Prophesies Over Colorado on July 12th

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