Saturday, July 21, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (7-20-2012)


  1. Exclusive: Contra ABC News, Dark Knight Shooting Suspect James Holmes Could Be Registered Democrat

  2. CNN's Piers Morgan Exploits 'Dark Knight' Massacre To Push Gun Control

  3. How the Media's Shielding Obama From Crony Capitalism Charges

  4. Time Mag: 'Nothing Wrong With Politicizing' 'Dark Knight' Murders

  5. The Usual Suspects: ABC's Ross, Stephanopoulos Point to Tea Party in Dark Knight Shooting UPDATE: Wrong Jim Holmes?

  6. Something bizarre is happening at CNBC

  7. Islam vs. Islamists

  8. Shameful: ABC suggests Aurora shooting suspect was Tea Party member; forced to retract

  9. Unlikely: MSNBC claims “Reverend Al Sharpton never ‘rushed to judgment’ of George Zimmerman

  10. Media Waste No Time Linking Colorado Killer to Tea Party

  11. Aurora, CO shooting (Update: ABC News in damage control mode)

  12. Least interesting tweet of the day

  13. MSNBC's Chris Matthews about Barack: "This guy’s ...

  14. Ten Pieces Of Bad Economic News The Media’s Covering Up

  15. MSNBS: The sky is yellow! Water is dry! and Al Sharpton is not a race baiter who jumped to conclusions in the Zimmerman/Martin shooting to further his own career and line his pockets!

  16. Huge backlash against Chick-Fil-A? Only in the mind of the media

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