Friday, June 15, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 14, 2012


  1. America under siege
  2. Obama brags about treading water
  3. Holder faces corruption scandal, too
  4. Ex-Penn State star- 'So sorry this happened'
  5. Are The Sistaz Out Of Control-
  6. NYC Board of Health- So Much For ‘Choice’
  7. Pic Of The Day
  8. Holder’s last days-
  9. White European heterosexual- You’re screwed
  10. Wikipedia is full of porn
  11. New study shows gay parenting is harmful
  12. The perils of blogging morality
  13. #StopRush turns on itself, devolves into name calling, accusations
  14. Breaking now! — Sandra Fluke endorses Obama
  15. Elizabeth Warren- “I’m not backing off from my family” on Cherokee claim
  16. If not bloggers, who-
  17. We have nothing to fear, but
  18. @SGLawrence is free at last!
  19. Perjury charge against Shellie Zimmerman raises more questions of prosecutorial overreaching (Update: Prosecution misleadingly edited transcript)
  20. We are all crackers now
  21. You don’t need a weatherman
  22. My people are letting go!
  23. Flag Day and the Pledge…Getting it Right
  24. An Open Letter to Congress from We The People
  25. A House of Cards in a Perfect Storm
  26. A Fox, a Weasel and 2 Badgers Now on Guard
  27. RESIGN!
  28. Don’t Like It-  TOUGH!
  29. Flag Day – June 14
  30. Regaining Our Spirit
  31. Daily Read – June 14
  32. Heh!
  33. The Answer Is A Resounding…..NO!




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