Sunday, April 22, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 21, 2012


  1. Police-state fears grow in Delaware

  2. GOP, where are you on eligibility-

  3. How the American and Canadian far left won the release of terrorist killer Omar Khadr

  4. Illegal Means Illegal- Close the Border

  5. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is unsure if he will vote for Obama this year 

  6. Caption Of The Day

  7. EnviroNut Of The Day

  8. Allen West Was… Right!

  9. Leaked Stratfor Emails- Democrats Manipulated The 2008 Election Results

  10. Leaked Stratfor Emails- Democrats Manipulated The 2008 Election Results

  11. ‘The Need to Lynch Zimmerman

  12. Boo hoo!

  13. Did anybody ask us-

  14. Breivik Quote of the Day [UPDATE]

  15. Michael Voris on Practicing Catholics in NZ

  16. Gun control in Australia

  17. Marriott Offers Discounts, Benefits to Gay Guests

  18. Friday Afternoon at BlogCon

  19. Watcher of Weasels — Most Recent Results

  20. Coroner’s Report

  21. Daily Read – April 21

  22. A Loss In The Family

  23. Obama Juggernaut Raises $46.4 Million in March — Team Mitt $12.6 Million


  25. Bill Yount- Are the Stars Pulling Out All the Stops for the Endtime Warfare-

  26. Fat Caturday

  27. Message To Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali- Burn In Hell Forever, Your Friends The Muslims

  28. Mandates of Intercession!

  29. Obama Ate Dog Meat – So What’s The Big Deal-

  30. Guaranteed To Make Your Car Faster

  31. Maryland Cops Face A Crappy Situation

  32. I Think I’m In Love

  33. Weekend Caption Contest

  34. Walking after God- Noah and the animals

  35. The ultimate two-exercise workout to burn flab faster

  36. The ultimate two-exercise workout to burn flab faster

  37. My Friday night off

  38. “Day of Silence” bullies schools into advocating political messages, encourages tattling

  39. Utah Republican Convention Results

  40. Tea Parties harassed by IRS form Liberty Defense Foundation

  41. Big conservative blogger leaves big politically correct law firm, returns to big blog

  42. Hands that fed Obama campaign finally tired of being bitten

  43. Cry baby

  44. Allen West on Point with an Inconvenient Truth

  45. Ted Nugent agrees to plea deal over illegal killing of black bear in Alaska

  46. The Living Wage Destroys The Bronx

  47. Stratfor Emails Show Democrats Stuffed Ballot Boxes In Ohio And Pennsylvania In 200

  48. Soledad O’Brien should really leave her intellectual betters alone

  49. Mark Levin livid over evidence not submitted with Zimmerman affidavit, says Fla. prosecutor is a disgrace

  50. The other white meat

  51. He ain’t worth bupkis  laughsmiley

  52. Planned Parenthood- So you’ll never have to be punished with a baby

  53. 21 Seismic Shifts of the Evangelical Church

  54. The Pope's mysterious work and the future it compels gives hope to this Catholic

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