Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 17, 2012


  1. Ann Barnhardt- All the “Rat Bastards” in DC Know Obama is Not Eligible

  2. 'Buffett Rule' tax bill blocked

  3. 'Fast and Furious' exposes explosive scandal

  4. Rocker takes swipe at 'evil' Obama

  5. Americans unload on Hollywood in Trayvon case

  6. AFL-CIO Chief rips Obama a new one over Colombia Free Trade Agreement

  7. Vote Early and Often- O'Keefe Journalist Offered More Ballots

  8. Occupy Movement Targets America's Youth

  9. Deceptive-Edit Of The Day

  10. Work-Related Of The Day

  11. Bonehead Of The Day

  12. Eric Holder and Lenny Breuer, Protected by Boehner,The Wimp   icon_rant

  13. They’ll simply be back for more-

  14. Masculinity Allows Femininity to Blossom

  15. Norwegian killer epitomizes evil

  16. Buggery is never Ok and Heroic Priests

  17. Behind closed doors, Romney reveals real reforms

  18. Daily Read – April 17

  19. Video Reagan vs Obama on Dirty Words  snicker

  20. UC Berkeley Teams Up With CAIR To Hold Conference On “Islamophobia”…

  21. Democrat-Controlled Senate Votes Down Buffett Rule…

  22. How the new entrepreneurs are thinking

  23. It Isn't Business as Usual

  24. U.S. Sends Anti-Israel Advisor to Anti-Semitic Sweden

  25. Pakistan- Christian father forgives his daughter’s assassin

  26. The Julian Assange Show Launches Next Week

  27. Lars Hedegaard's Response to Charges of Hate Speech

  28. New Wave of Leaders

  29. Department of Justice Assigns 5 Prosecutors to Retrial of Roger Clemens but None for New Panthers

  30. Would You Like Breasts Or Thighs-

  31. Caption Contest Winners

  32. Another Patented Late Movie Review

  33. Putting Boots To Asses Since 1754

  34. Have a Sunny Tax Day

  35. Do you know who Mark Muller is-

  36. National Eggs Benedict Day and Pope Benedict's birthday - a coincidence-

  37. It's time for the GOP to stand up and confront the lies

  38. The Tea Party- The greatest feminist movement-

  39. Signs of desperation in Lugar campaign

  40. Vice versa

  41. Seventy-two (and Counting) Representatives Support Earmark Ban

  42. Liberal left- Obama had a Democrat controlled Congress for 2 weeks… not 2 years  d'oh

  43. Leftist’s hypocritical anti-Romney ad- “What’s Mitt Hiding-”

  44. GLENN BECK – NRA Annual Meetings 2012 Speech

  45. I am Mitt Romney And I Approve This Ad

  46. Overthrowing Environmentalism

  47. Real Liberal Woman of Genius #3- Jeffrey Neely

  48. Real Liberal Woman Of Genius #2- Roseanne Barr

  49. Michigan Government Unleashes Armed Raids On Small Pig Farmers, Forces Farmer To Shoot All His Pigs

  50. Killer Swan Blamed For Man’s Drowning

  51. Subsidized, Bankrupt Solyndra Managers Got $368,500 In Court-Ordered Bonuses

  52. Katie Pavlich Exposes “Fast And Furious- Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal And The Shameless Cover Up

  53. The geek shall inherit the earth  laughsmiley

  54. Yeah, a couple songs that make sense today

  55. Perhaps the injuries were self-inflicted

  56. Couples who cohabit before marriage... tend to be less satisfied with their marriages

  57. Trayvon Martin's family needs to just stop talking

  58. Pic Of The Day

  59. Guess The Party Affiliation-

  60. Video Of The Day

  61. ANYBODY But Obama

  62. The Thieves Of DC

  63. Hollywood Moonbat John Cusack Rips Obama From The Left- “Continued Imperial Presidency” of Bush…  d'oh

  64. U.S. Catholic Bishop- Obama Following Path of Hitler And Stalin…

  65. Holder’s DOJ Sends Little-Known Cell To Aid Trayvon Martin Protesters…  fiery4

  66. You Won't Believe What My iPhone Did in the Car This Morning

  67. Today was a great day … for voter fraud and criminals … ALEC surrenders

  68. Some googly eyes are created more equal

  69. Horse Manure

  70. Issa on CNN- White House Knew Almost 1 Year Ago About GSA’s Wasteful Spending

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