Friday, February 17, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (2-16-2012)


1)  I don’t think ex-president Jimmy carter as a meathead but as getting senile. He thinks OWS is a success.  i-dont-know

jimmy carter

  1. Failed Former President Jimmy Carter Declares The Occupy Movement A Success

  2. Jimmy Carter Declares Occupy Movement “Relatively Successful”…

2)  Representative Maxine Waters is a disgrace to Congress. She has the nerve to call others in Congress “demons” when all she has to do is look in a mirror and see one. She also has wild imagination. d'oh


  1. Maxine Waters Calls Boehner and Cantor Demons (Video)

  2. Boehner, Cantor 'demons'

  3. Waters- Fat Cat Bankers “Shaking In Their Boots” At Thought of Me As Chairwoman of Financial Service

  4. Demon Possessed Waters-

  5. Maxine Waters- Boehner Cantor are Demons

  6. Demonizing Their Opponents

  7. Maxine Waters questioned about her #GOP “demons” comment

  8. See Maxine Waters Unhinged and What Ever Happened to Her Ethics Violations Case-

3)  This woman Senator Barbara Boxer needs to start worrying about California than the GOP. fiery4


  1. Barbara Boxer Claims GOP Wants To Harm Country’s Infrastructure…

4)  I don’t remember how many times I put this woman on the meathead list. Maybe, I should elect her “Queen Meathead”. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinks Religious groups shouldn’t be imposing theirs on others but it okay to impose her liberalism on others. She isn’t just a meathead but a hypocrite.liar


  1. DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz- Religious Groups “Shouldn’t Be Imposing Their Values on Employees”

  2. DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz- Catholic Institutions “Shouldn’t Be Imposing Their Values On Employees”

  3. Obama Advisers Tell DNC Chief Wasserman Schultz To “Tone It Down”…

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