Sunday, February 5, 2012

Left Wing Bullying


1)  I don’t get it. How can Senator Barbara Boxer say Komen caving in on Plan Parenthood funding was “Women’s health triumph over right wing politics” When it was left wing bullying that trampled on some ones rights to choose who they want to donate to or not. The left wing is getting out of control.


2)  Left wing bullying is getting out of hand. Their bullying Yahoo to censor comments. Bowing to the folks at GLAAD, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Yahoo! has been removing anti-homosexual comments from its website.  The left wing have become freakin’ terrorist.


3)  Nancy Pelosi declares she’ll join her fellow Catholics in  their near-unanimous support of Obama’s insurance mandate. She thinks it was a very courageous decision on Obama’s mandate Catholic charities provide free abortifacients for its employees.  I think Nancy Pelosi should be excommunicated. She is a disgrace to the Catholic church for supporting Obama in his bullying tactic.


4)  Union thugs and Occupy Whatever are such good little apparatchiks to Comrade Obama. They plan on gracing the CPAC with their bullying charm. What these two groups need is good swift kick in the butt and time in prison.

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