Thursday, August 2, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-1-2012)



  1. Gallup: Obama Approval Below Fifty In All Major Swing States

  2. Obama Films Self Making $5,000 Donation to Own Campaign

  3. Obama Signals Negative Campaigning Has Failed

  4. Obama Touts GM as Success While Market Share, Stock Price Decline

  5. No, Americans Don't Want More Spending

  6. The Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Part One: The Alinsky Ethics

  7. Obama White House Lax on Human Traffickers

  8. Federal Court: Obama Admin. Interfered in New Black Panthers Case

  9. Obama Targets Suburbanites

  10. Obama's Slave Roots?

  11. The Amazing Presidential Power-Grab

  12. Hypocrite Of The Day

  13. The Obama Campaign Sinks Ever Lower

  14. Obama’s High Burn Rate Scorches Campaign Schedule

  15. He tried his plan, and it worked

  16. Rise and shine

  17. Don’t blame me — I didn’t vote for him

  18. Obama has a serious white voter problem...

  19. Stupid: Obama going to Ohio to campaign; landing at Air Force Base he plans to close...

  20. Obama’s Assault on U.S. Energy

  21. The Obama Solar and Oil Shale Legacies

  22. OUTRAGE: Illegal Aliens Obama Refused to Deport Committed 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes!

  23. Obama Donates to Himself

  24. Thanks Barack… Obama Regulations Kill Ohio Coal Mine, Hundreds Of Jobs Wiped Out

  25. Thanks Barack… Illegal Aliens Released By Obama Administration Commit 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes

  26. NYT Says Obama Desperate For Campaign Cash (WSI RELATED)

  27. Barack Obama Reaches Into Same Tired Bag Of Old Tricks Again And Again…

  28. Obama After Support Faints: "Happens To Me All The Time"...

  29. Obama Cites "Independent, Non-Partisan Study" To Bash Romney During Speech . . . One Problem, It Was Written By Former Staffer And Close Ally...

  30. Video: Obama Explains How His Keynesian Economic Ideas Will Bring Back The U.S. Economy...

  31. Obama: Instead of Buying Your Friend A Drink, Donate To My Campaign...

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