Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Article Read On August 4, 2012


  1. Prayer Alert: Against Chemical Weapons

  2. Pilot Falcon flexible nib fountain pen... (video)

  3. Let's take a hot air balloon ride...

  4. Clint Eastwood endorses Romney

  5. Dems Backtracking

  6. Pursuing A Dream

  7. Daily Read – August 4

  8. The Required Spud Update

  9. Quote Of The Day

  10. Bonehead Of The Day

  11. Leftist Violence erupts at anti-Islam protest in Sweden

  12. Slow Learners: Globe Publishes Chick-fil-A Hate Screed

  13. Hollywood Chick-fil-A 'Kiss-In' Day: 'Jesus Is a C*nt'

  14. Yep… a few trillion more should do the trick…

  15. Picture challenge: find the evil rich person!

  16. Strange: UN votes to condemn itself

  17. RNC Sends DNC An Obama Birthday Cake

  18. “There’s no stopping us. Watch out world, we’re coming.”

  19. The Keys to walking in Full Sonship---Jeffrey Stewart...

  20. America, you were chosen

  21. The cost of grumbling

  22. 104th game today

  23. Don't fall for the manipulation

  24. Are you part of a hate group, I am

  25. This is for my friend Chuck Comstock who recently...

  26. I don't HATE Obama, but I share this to illustrate...


  28. David Cicilline (D RI-01) buys votes the old fashioned way, with federal money

  29. Will @RomneyResponse become the hunter?

  30. Re-elect me and expect a different result

  31. Adam Smith video – “Apologies and Clarifications”

  32. Happy Birthday, Mr. Didn’t Build That

  33. Elizabeth #sillyforma Warren

  34. Is Mitt Romney Running For President, or Dog-Catcher?

  35. Mitt Chickens Out

  36. Preserved and Alive

  37. You Didn't WIN That!

  38. Ego Bigger Than The Umpire State Building

  39. Your Olympic Babe O’ The Day

  40. The Chickens Have Come Home To Roast

  41. Vast International Child-Porn Network Uncovered

  42. House Reps Sign Letter To Support Chick-Fil-A, Compare Dem Mayors To Soviet Thugs

  43. Gay Leftist Admits to Vandalizing LA Chick-fil-A

  44. Breaking Announcement: “Occupy the Truth” March For Peace & Justice Set For Cleveland, Ohio

  45. Miley Cyrus Is Latest Target of “Swatting” Attack

  46. America’s Heart Goes Out to Abused Chick-fil-A Worker – ‘Support For Rachel’ Website Set Up

  47. Michelle Malkin Brings Down the Roof at AFP Defending the American Dream Summit (Video)

  48. New Leftist Pastime: Harassing Chick-fil-A Employees at the Drive-Thru (Video)

  49. Allen West: Obama Lacks “Commitment To The Safety And Security of The Jewish Homeland”…

  50. Assploding Hypocrisy: Biden Accuses Republicans Of Employing “Scare Tactics”…

  51. Harry Reid “Has Blessing From Obama Campaign” To Repeat Claims Romney Hasn’t Pay Taxes For 10 Years…

  52. Obama Campaign Office Window Smashed During Occupy Oakland Protest…

  53. Lefty Douche Who Berated Innocent Chick-Fil-A Worker Explains Why He Did It: “I Felt It Was The Right Thing To Do”…

  54. A Prophecy about the Next 100 Days

  55. A Great Shift – Destinies Are Being Fulfilled

  56. Chick-fil-A and Far-Left Tyranny

  57. Why Countries Remain POOR

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