Friday, August 24, 2012

My Article Read On August 23, 2012


  1. Tea Party 2012: Win. Tea Party 2014: Go Home?

  2. Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney knows what the engine of opportunity is...

  3. Another Recession?

  4. Daily Read – August 23

  5. Bob Is A Racist

  6. The story is always in the comments nowadays...

  7. Muslim Dog Day Afternoon

  8. Stick It Where the Global Warming Don't Shine

  9. Jewish man's arrest at Al-Quds rally went too far

  10. Why we have a Second Amendment (and concealed carry)

  11. Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall

  12. Keynesian economics explained

  13. Scorched earth

  14. Coming soon to a theater near you

  15. Fisking Obama's weird basketball analogy...

  16. Amusing: Desperate Democrats will let former Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria speak at the DNC convention

  17. Classy: Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich releases all delegates and asks them to support Romney-Ryan

  18. Federal Appeals Court rules states can withhold funding for planned parenthood...

  19. Adventures in scale modeling

  20. All Your Cities Are Belong To Us

  21. Let's begin anew today - Sharon McCarty

  22. UPDATE: Group commits assault, violent robbery on ... 

  23. ICE agents sue to stop Obama amnesty

  24. Teachers Union releases hit piece video against director of Hating Breitbart

  25. Leaders are Born

  26. King: ‘A Three-Headed Monster Attacking America’

  27. Those Buttons Could Put Out An Eye!

  28. Humpday History Highlight

  29. Yet another Liberal Malady diagnosed by your humble host

  30. Who ever said Lesbians do not “fake it”

  31. Marital, Personal Ties Link Obama Administration To Commission On Presidential Debates

  32. Leftist Extremists Willing to Use Explosives at Charlotte and Tampa Conventions (Video)

  33. Disaster… WSJ Sr. Economics Writer Stephen Moore: “We’ve Spent Over a Million Dollars For Each Green Job” (Video)

  34. Stargate Atlantis--"The Siege, Part I"

  35. Formspring Question #451--Akin for a Breakin' Edition

  36. Formspring Question #450--Paul Ryan Rah Rah Edition

  37. Formspring Question #449--"Our Heroes" for Short Edition

  38. Nazi Descendants and Holocaust Survivors March Together Across Poland

  39. The Church and the Supernatural

  40. Now the Holy Spirit is giving startling details. All glory to Jesus.

  41. How Mitt Romney Used Obama’s Own Campaign To Win Voter Support

  42. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the National Debt

  43. Obama Labor Secretary Cheers Youth Unemployment Rate of 17.1%…  icon_rolleyes

  44. Christian Boy Brutally Tortured And Killed In Pakistan, Reports He Was Accused Of “Blasphemy”…. 

  45. Romney Says He’d Remove Bernanke As Fed Chief…

  46. I Wanna be A Crony!

  47. CAN A PERVERTED GOSPEL SAVE? Does it matter what man believe concerning salvation ...

  48. (Democratic Party) Agitators to disrupt RNC


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