Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Article Read On August 22, 2012


  1. Labor Department spends stimulus funds for ads during Olbermann, Maddow shows

  2. Navy SEALs Hit Back at Obama: 'Condescending and Belittling'

  3. Fuzzy Logic brings us the world's longest and best comment...

  4. A 2016 FYI For The Podunk TN Area

  5. A Large Field Of Glass

  6. Daily Read – August 22

  7. The Todd Akin Dangerous Precedent

  8. Double-Standard Of The Day

  9. Do-As-I-Say Of The Day

  10. The Quality of Morsi Is Not Restrained

  11. Canada doesn't want Khadr back: Poll

  12. Bacon Hate Crimes and Islamophobia Witch-Hunts

  13. Dear Jack...

  14. Police Charge Nebraska Woman with False Report

  15. Interesting: GOP includes anti-Sharia plank in their official platform

  16. Czech President equates global warming supporters goals with communism...

  17. It is starting to look like Elizabeth Warren has a 1/32 chance of beating Scott Brown

  18. Fred Thompson continues to deliver on Twitter

  19. Oath Keepers to Rally in Support of Marine Veteran Brandon Raub

  20. Can America Survive the “Mother” of All Lame Ducks?

  21. OH, FFS!

  22. Good God! This scumbag rabble has brought Australia down to the level of Venezuela!

  23. ‘Calls to end the curse of cheap booze’

  24. How to get life INTO the Church

  25. A good swarm

  26. From rape card to race card

  27. Beyond Missouri — Dan Bongino in Maryland gaining endorsements and momentum

  28. Snap out of your funk, damn it

  29. Truly awful - two pederasts in NZ schools - how many more?

  30. Compassion Is Yours

  31. Reaching the Promised Land

  32. Ryan Bounce in FULL EFFECT as New Poll
    Has Romney Soaring to a 14-Point Lead
    in Major Battleground State Florida

  33. Prince Harry Shows His Tower Of London

  34. This Week On The Discovery Channel

  35. How The West Was Cloned

  36. Richard Miniter: Panetta Wanted To Take Out Osama Bin Laden In 2009

  37. Tampa Police Find Pipes, Bricks and Other “Suspicious” Items on Rooftop Just Days Before RNC Convention (Video)

  38. Greece Continues to Round Up Illegal Immigrants

  39. #Occupy Tampa Goons Post RNC Convention Schedule

  40. Stargate Atlantis--"The Gift"

  41. Never Insult a Canadian's Pet

  42. Religious U.S. States Most Generous

  43. "Stand Fast in This Turbulent Week!"


  45. Fast and Furious Update – Inspector General Report Concluded. Report In “Lockdown”

  46. I have not witnessed an event that has less to do with man and more to do with God.

  47. GOP Platform Calls For More Arizona-Style Immigration Laws…

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