Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Article Read On August 21, 2012


  1. No Horses, But Detroit Water Department Employs 'Horseshoer'

  2. McDonald's Fights Back Against Food Police First Lady

  3. Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged...

  4. Cottages...

  5. Professional Catholics pile on Paul Ryan...

  6. 20 years after Ruby Ridge, there's forgiveness...

  7. UGH!

  8. Ending Medicare As We Know It

  9. Daily Read – August 21

  10. Rest In Peace

  11. Narcissist Of The Day: Update

  12. Pic Of The Day

  13. Anonymous Hacks UK Government Sites: ‘Free Assange’

  14. Illegals Want Us To Stop Calling Them ‘Illegals’

  15. Al-Quds Day In America: Israel, America Bashed at Iranian-Inspired DC Rally

  16. Smearing Conservatives, Raking in Cash

  17. Al Quds Day: Who would dare kick a dog? ...Guess....

  18. Accused child pornographer runs in Manitoba by-election

  19. The Free Press Act: Reclaiming Civil Liberties in America

  20. Germany: "Islamists Want to Bring Jihad to Europe"

  21. Man arrested for offending Hezbollah supporters by walking his dog threatens legal action over Al-Quds arrest

  22. See how they run

  23. Another bubble that’s set to burst

  24. Obama supporters vandalize "Repeal Obama" billboard

  25. ‘The Preference Cascade Begins to Build

  26. Straight from the USSR playbook:

  27. Race relations in the West:

  28. A declaration of intent to steal…with John Key’s connivance.

  29. Bobby Conner: Seekers Will Be Finders! And Finders...

  30. Pressure and Unrest

  31. Delayed Development: 20-Somethings Blame the Brain -

  32. I apologize for the following language but we have to understand the truth...

  33. I went to see this movie today. I do NOT recommend...

  34. I have been concerned about this...more than you know

  35. ICE Chief of Staff Charged With Discrimination and Sexually Harassing Male Employees

  36. Music superstar: 'We've got a Muslim president'

  37. Hawaii Upholds Traditional Marriage

  38. We think it's time that Catholics stop being Catholic

  39. What the devil sounds like when he's trying to convince you to do something

  40. Is Elizabeth Warren tanking? PPP poll shows Brown surge

  41. Your Next Step Revealed

  42. The Danger of Abusing the Grace of God

  43. Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff's
    Plane Hit By Taliban Rocket Attack

  44. Tony Scott, 1944-2012

  45. Christina Hendricks Doesn’t Want Children

  46. Caption Contest Winners

  47. Every Seth You Take

  48. Federal Court: Obama’s EPA Recognizes No Legal Limits

  49. Assclown Charged With Driving Drunk At Nearly Eight Times Legal Limit

  50. RideOn Bus Crashes Into Silver Spring Home, 5 Hospitalized

  51. These stories would have ended differently in Sarah Brady’s America

  52. Stargate Atlantis--"Letters from Pegasus"

  53. Week 9 explodes in the building but something astounding happened outside.

  54. Military Insider Interview Revisited By Other Media Sources

  55. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama Preps Media For “Surprise” Press Conference

  56. Bacon Is NOT a Crime !!!

  57. Tim Tebow's Accountability Partner

  58. America For Jesus 2012: Will it Be an Awakening?

  59. Max Lucado: Pray God Appoints and Anoints Next President