Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Article Read On August 15, 2012


  1. Romney to Obama: Take Your Divisive, Angry Campaign 'Back To Chicago'

  2. Judge won't halt Pa. voter identification law

  3. Trump's Working On 'Big Surprise' For RNC

  4. It's Wednesday...

  5. August 15th...

  6. Things I love to do...

  7. "Smashing America apart"

  8. Special Ops group takes on Obama claims regarding Bin Laden

  9. It’s Happened Before…..

  10. Running Scared

  11. Daily Read – August 15

  12. Ugly Creature

  13. A “Visitor”

  14. Quote Of The Day

  15. Tweet Of The Day

  16. Kitty and an AK-47

  17. Tim Hudak Speaks Out Against Queen's Park Al Quds Day Hitlerfest

  18. Report: Iran has armed terrorists with WMD

  19. Poll: Should Congress Investigate Obama's Alleged Forged Long Form Birth Certificate?

  20. Shuffling it Back to Chicago

  21. Australia…the soft touch of choice for illegal immigrants:

  22. Those frisky Lutherans. Again.

  23. Things that make one go “hmmmmmm……”

  24. The totalitarian impulse is alive and well in socialist NZ:

  25. OK, other than Barack being in the picture, there is something REALLY REALLY wrong with it.. Can anyone tell me what that is?

  26. Operation Counterweight – The final list

  27. If looks could kill

  28. No longer bi-curious

  29. Shooting at Family Research Council headquarters

    Operation Counterweight – The final list

  30. Boehner Calls Conservatives “Knuckle-Draggers”

  31. No Thought, No Worries!

  32. Use The Board, Luke

  33. Here. Happy Now?

  34. What gives sub-par columnists a license to preach?

  35. Mitt Romney Soars With Youth Voters

  36. Stargate Atlantis--"The Eye"

  37. It is now an international phenomenon.

  38. Mitt Romney to Obama – “Take Your Campaign Of Hate Back To Chicago”

  39. Something Happening In America – Romney Drawing HUGE Crowds (WHI RELATED)

  40. The Battle Hymn of the 2012 Election

  41. Caterer At Obama Campaign Event Wears “Government Didn’t Build My Business, I Did” T-Shirt…

  42. TIME: Jesus Advocated Tax Rate Between 50% And 100%, So Paul Ryan’s Budget Is “Un-Christian”…

  43. Ouch: Obama’s 2008 Campaign Co-Chairman To Stump For Mitt Romney In Virginia…

  44. Report: Dem Voter Registration Down 800,000 In 8 Key Battleground States…

  45. I HOWEVER John 8:24 Therefore I said to you that you...

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