Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Article Read On August 14, 2012


  1. Communists in the White House?...

  2. Stop what you're doing...

  3. I Think I’m Ready

  4. The Golden Years

  5. Wisconsin Primary….TODAY!

  6. Daily Read – August 14

  7. Just Tweetin’ Around

  8. Whistle-blower, documents: Ill. state workers forced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson Jr. event on taxpayer dime

  9. Multiculturalism in Canada is always a one way street...

  10. The Great White Dope

  11. One in four Canadians ready to kick Quebec out

  12. Human Rights Complainant Sues Human Rights Commission For Violating Its Own Edicts

  13. A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue

  14. No Future in France: Dire Times for French Jews

  15. Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving Shit Out Of You, Don't I?

  16. U.S. set to hand over Omar Khadr videotapes to Canadian government

  17. Path to Prosperity vs. Path to Bankruptcy

  18. RR crossing

  19. Poll finds Ryan helping Romney in swing states

  20. In case you forgot, 56% of Likely U.S. Voters still favor repeal of Obamacare

  21. Cardinal Dolan: Disinvite Barack Obama to the Alfred E. Smith Foundation Dinner

  22. Sigh….

  23. John Belt: "Honoring Prophets and Embracing the Prophetic...


  25. I'm gonna start my own country

  26. The Whole Story on the Paul Ryan Pick

  27. “At Least Hitler Gave Us Bread”

  28. Do Democrats Know Obama Cut Medicare?

  29. Glimpse inside the Romney/Ryan rally in Waukesha

  30. Branco cartoon – Destroying Social Security

  31. Whistleblower asserts state employees coerced to attend Pelosi, Jesse Jackson political event

  32. wrong?!?!

  33. Witchcraft Be Bound!

  34. Sununu To CNN'S Soledad O'Brien: 'Put an Obama Bumper Sticker on Your Forehead'

  35. Spotted Along I-35

  36. A Prophetic Showdown Is Coming

  37. Toads Rush Stage At Paul Ryan Event

  38. Michael Phelps Is Exposing Himself

  39. Caption Contest Winners

  40. McKayla Is Not Impressed

  41. *VIDEO* The Newtster To Piers Morgan: “You Guys Almost Sound Like You’re An Extension Of The Obama Campaign”

  42. Your Daley Gator Conservative Picture O’ The Day

  43. COLORADO VOTERS to Paul Ryan: Look no teleprompter! (Video)

  44. Kurt Warner Defends Christian Athlete Lolo Jones From Disgusting Media Attacks

  45. Stargate Atlantis--"The Storm"

  46. Mariska Hargitay

  47. Two amazing letters about the Santa Rosa Fire

  48. Obama’s DOE Doles Out $43M For Green Energy Projects Deemed “Too Risky For The Private Sector”…

  49. Axeldouche: Outrage Over Biden Telling Largely Black Crowd Romney Wants To Put Them “Back In Chains” Is “Phony”…

  50. Obama Campaign Über-Hack Stephanie Cutter: “We’re Fine With” Biden Saying Republicans Want People “Back In Chains”…

  51. Romney Campaign Calls On Obama To Denounce Biden’s “Back In Chains” Remark…

  52. BAPTIZED FOR THE DEAD? What is the meaning of baptized for the dead...

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