Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Article Read On August 13, 2012


  1. Chicago's Broke Party Stands up Against Obama And Gay Marriage

  2. In honor of Paul Ryan...

  3. The upcoming election put in perspective...

  4. Paul Ryan in The American Spectator: Who Built America?...

  5. Powerful: Ryan is welcomed home to Wisconsin...

  6. Holy Carp. Romney has come into his own...

  7. Romney/Ryan Rally in Waukesha

  8. Dems Want Seniors To…..DIE!

  9. Daily Read – August 13

  10. God Must Be A Capitalist: UCC Clergy To Join CAW Union - Congregants Urge Them To Strike Forever

  11. Sheema Khan Says Slowly, Muslim communities are changing their approach to marriage and divorce

  12. Egypt: There Goes the Army; There Goes the Free Media; There Goes Egypt

  13. House GOP to file civil contempt suit Monday against Holder over ‘Fast and Furious’ documents

  14. Don’t go near the water

  15. George W. Bush approves of Romney picking Paul Ryan

  16. White House cuts short time for petition requiring TSA to follow the law

  17. Surrendering our borders:

  18. Soft touch Australia–provided you’re not white and working, that is..

  19. Billy Graham's Letter to America "The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control...

  20. Zombies Playing Football

  21. If you own a gun, you are diseased...according to these folks.

  22. Go Back to sleep...shhhhh

  23. Pop Quiz

  24. lunch at casa de redlin.

  25. How did this happen??

  26. Christians! Silence is Not an Option

  27. The problem with a summer series ...

  28. Rush makes bold prediction on Paul Ryan

  29. Palin (not) at Republican National Convention

  30. Branco cartoon – Shovel Ready

  31. Harder, Harder

  32. Is that anatomically possible?

  33. Liberty Needs Your Help in Coryell County Texas

  34. Oh, Let’s Not Fight…

  35. New Zealand’s Fake “Right Wing” Bloggers

  36. Zion is Calling

  37. Paul Ryan Medicare Plan Clearly Explained by the Stunning Michelle Fields

  38. George Soros' 28-y.o. Ex-Girlfriend Accuses
    Spooky Dude of 'Harassment, Violence,
    and Emotional Torture'

  39. Billy Graham in Stable Condition at NC Hospital

  40. Call It A Porterhouse Break

  41. Britain’s Good Luck Charm

  42. Time To Raise Hell

  43. Return Your Junk To The Upright Position

  44. Your Daley Gator Conservative Picture O’ The Day

  45. Far Left Goon Wearing a Romney T-Shirt Rushes Stage – Heckles Paul Ryan in Iowa (Video)

  46. Multiple People Shot Near Texas A&M Campus – Gunman Apprehended …Update: 2 Officers Shot, 1 Killed

  47. Yup. He’s a Socialist… Barack Obama: “A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared” (Video)

  48. Mitt Romney Tells Off Waukesha Heckler (Video)

  49. Sarah Palin Will Not Speak at the Republican National Convention

  50. Romney to Obama – “Take Your Campaign Out Of The Gutter”

  51. Today: Biden Asks “What’s Gutsy About Gutting Medicare?” – Yesterday: Stephanie Cutter Proud Administration Gutted $700 Billion From Medicare…

  52. Union-Organized Romney Protester: “We Love Dead Republicans”…

  53. Biden Draws Scant Crowd Of Only 660 In North Carolina…

  54. House Democrats Call Large Crowd At Romney-Ryan Event “Disturbing”…

  55. I HAVE BEEN TO LAS VEGAS That is correct; as a Christian...

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