Thursday, August 23, 2012

Apparatchiks, Hypocrites, And Meatheads Of The Day (8-22-2012)


1)  I really think the Obama people need check on Joe Biden’s sanity or lack of. Biden talks like he is not all there.


  1. Biden: We’ve Created “200,000 Brand New Good Paying Jobs”…

  2. Biden: Wall St. Reform Critics 'Squealing Pigs'

  3. A Big Blow Headed for Tampa

  4. Break the Chains, Says Joe

  5. Biden: “I’ve Known Eight Presidents, Three Of Them Intimately”…

  6. Biden Last Week: I Want To Be A NASCAR Driver. Biden This Week: I Want To Be A Football Player…

  7. Joe's Journal: Confusion reigns


2)  Dave Axelrod, we know is an apparatchik for Comrade Obama. He is also a male chauvinist pig.


  1. The Vetting: Axelrod's Sexism in Chicago


3)  I confess I put Howard Dean in this department for GP (General Principal). He is one of annoying apparatchiks you want keep in in front of you or…. 


  1.  The Return of Howling Howard


4)  Cher threatens to kill herself after 1 verse of “America The Beautiful”. Shouldn’t she be seeing a shrink?


  1. Cher: I’d Kill Myself After One Verse of “America the Beautiful”


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