Saturday, July 7, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 6, 2012


  1. Woman Weeps, Thanks Obama for Higher Taxes and Health Insurance Premiums

  2. Blogger Aaron Walker Wins First Amendment Victory over Brett Kimberlin

  3. 69-year-old pro-life Personhood petitioner attacked, suffers broken hip

  4. Christian love is not tolerance...

  5. Exclusive - Paul Ryan: We Win, We Repeal

  6. So Simple

  7. Daily Read – July 6

  8. Quote Of The Day

  9. Whatever happened to Camelot? Disheveled Kennedy clan look less than picture-perfect celebrating Fourth of July on Cape Cod

  10. Brad Pitt’s mother writes anti-gay letter to newspaper backing Romney and slamming Obama over supporting same-sex marriage

  11. Turning a blind eye: Elections Canada gives a shrug of the shoulders to leftie antics

  12. Shorter Globe & Mail: Stupid Canadians. Do As We Say & Support Foreign Strippers

  13. Calling on all Toronto gun owners and freedom lovers

  14. I always thought Nell got tied up a bit too often...

  15. Outside review of massacre at Fort Hood to be filed soon, calling for change at FBI

  16. Cool - The Daily Mail Is Opening A Toronto Bureau

  17. Need advice? Ask the experts!

  18. Third straight month of weak hiring; only 80,000 jobs in June

  19. Propaganda skool:

  20. Boycott! It’s the only weapon we have.

  21. Liz shakes a murderer’s hand. Meanwhile…

  22. Demonstrations in Mindanao and the future of America - Charles Shamp

  23. Restaurant owner dies after meeting Obama

  24. Zimmerman out on bail thanks to $20k more in donations

  25. Why is Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr. still MIA?

  26. Ted Cruz surging to lead?

  27. Pallywood does Polonium

  28. The Prius Presumption

  29. Dr. Williams Asks: Should We Obey All Laws?

  30. Friday Night Free For All

  31. Chris Trotter is looking for a Labour Hero

  32. Dunderheads in the Vatican

  33. Hope for the Hopeless

  34. Things I learned growing up in the country

  35. Where the Next Fortunes will be made

  36. My son Kevin knows how to do some of these

  37. Sweltering in the dark: a glimpse into America's future if the greens have their way

  38. Embracing Your Future!

  39. Anybody Else Out There Feeling Their Intelligence Insulted By Obama's Condescending Yokel-Speak?

  40. Black Unemployment Rate Tops 14.4%!

  41. Let Them Eat Cakes

  42. Weekend Caption Contest

  43. The Star-Spangled Wanner

  44. Son Of A Sh*t-Snackin’ Whore!

  45. True Detective Stories

  46. Comedian Wayne Brady on Bill Maher: “I would gladly slap the sh#@ out of him”

  47. Countrywide Scandal Resurfaces, Obama Advisers Involved (Videos)

  48. Chicago Celebrates 4th of July With Racist Flash Mob Attack – 11 Arrested

  49. FAIL. White House Admits Employment Not Growing Fast Enough …(No Kidding)

  50. Radical Atheists Sue Restaurant For Offering Discounts to Sunday Worshippers (Video)

  51. BUSTED!… Sobbing Ohio Woman at Obama Campaign Stop Just Happens to Be “Obama’s Best Fan”

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