Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On July 16, 2012


  1. Occupy 'Welcoming Committee' Promises Violence at RNC

  2. Obamacare a Boon to Scam Artists

  3. Allen West sums it all up wonderfully...

  4. Daily Read – July 16

  5. A Complete Copy & Paste

  6. Fair Game Canada: Women Had Better Cover Up Or Get Raped

  7. The Truth About Bonds and Banks Is Hidden From The Sheeple

  8. The B&R Morning Poke

  9. Emu Stroll In Manassas

  10. Do we need amendment to protect our liberty?

  11. Fake Gaza Children's Art On Display In Toronto

  12. Now you know "Green Energy" is a racket: Wind farm seized in mafia raid

  13. Britain Is Multiculting Itself Out Of Existence

  14. Spain is so broke even the slugs are leaving

  15. Man divorces 3 wives in one hour

  16. Shoes & Tomatoes Greet Hilary In Cairo

  17. Involuntary servitude, 21st century edition

  18. Laundry day

  19. Payback: Romney Mocks Obama Singing Al Green…

  20. The Obama Bain Strategy Explained

  21. Romney Ad: What Ever Happened To 'Hope And Change"

  22. Justice Roberts is Wrong, Nullify

  23. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  24. New Testament Commentaries on the Ten Commandments

  25. What possessed disgraced Dems to curse America?

  26. A call to America for repentance, revival

  27. Trump to Mitt: Get tough on Obama 'lies'

  28. The Dismantling of the American Dream

  29. Video – Cherokees to Elizabeth Warren: “You can’t even look me in the eye”

  30. Great Britain’s doctors and nurses poised to strike after cost-cutting measures leaked

  31. When poverty comes to America, it will be driving a $22k Jeep Patriot

  32. Invasion of the photo snatcher

  33. Marriage and inequality

  34. If this doesn't get you motivated nothing will!

  35. 46 years ago today

  36. Cause of Poverty -- Poor Character

  37. Your Tenth Hour Visitation

  38. Ich Bin Ein Female Driver

  39. Hey Patty, Why So Krabby?

  40. You Can’t Spell Gibberish Without “IQ”

  41. It’s My Potty…

  42. Former Florida Democrat Party Executive Director Dumps Obama For Romney

  43. City Orders Firefighters To Remove U.S. Flags From Trucks… They’re Offensive (Video)

  44. Companies Fire Workers To Avoid ObamaCare Penalty

  45. Epic Rush Limbaugh on Obama: “I Think It Can Now Be Said, Without Equivocation… He Hates America” (Audio)

  46. LOST Loses… 34 US Senators Oppose Law of the Sea Treaty

  47. US Navy Fires On Ship in Persian Gulf – 1 Dead, 3 Injured

  48. Mitt Goes on Attack – Rips Obama Campaign’s “Falsehoods and Dishonesty” (Video)

  49. New Romney Ad Hits Obama’s Failed Record: “Political Payoffs and Middle Class Layoffs” (Video)

  50. Shocker: Gallup Poll Finds Justice Roberts Favorable Rating Among Republicans Down A Staggering 40 Points To 27%…

  51. Documents Show SEIU Subpoenaed In Milwaukee Voter Fraud Case…

  52. Portland Parks Used By Occupiers Now Facing Major Rat Infestation…

  53. I AIN'T BUILDING NO STINKING ARK Hebrews 11:7 By f...

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