Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Bible's Foul Language-Molotov Mitchell



  1. I just had an most unusual encounter with 'Molotov Mitchell' over the past few days on his facebook page.

    This was in regards to his claim that Christians can use strong language and even expletives, because the Bible and even Jesus used such language (see link).

    His supplied evidence were scriptures taken out of context and gross equivocation of words (eg ass). Of course I (very politely) pointed out these errors and his responses each time were, and I quote:

    "Yeah, the reference!" and

    Of course this isn't the first time I've seen him distort scripture to fit his own worldview preferences, but this is the first time that I've really commented on his facebook page. It was also my last.

    I found the following day that my posts had been deleted and I had been blocked from commenting any further.

    For a member of MENSA whose programmes eloquently aim to cut through bias and factual distortion, his non-answers to the scriptural and linguistic evidences were disappointing and akin to the usual modus operandi of the liberals and 'atheists' that he often rails against.

    And to simply block someone without explanation for the crime of disagreeing with him using facts (I reiterate, very politely) is most baffling.

    1. I had doubts about putting this video up because I disagreed with what he said on this subject of foul language.

      The reason I put this up was to see what others thought it. Thank You for your comment.

      By the way, pray for Molotov. It sounds like he needs some work from what you described.
