Saturday, June 9, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 8, 2012


  1. Did Bill Clinton Deliver a Coded Warning about Obama-
  2. Poll- Strong support for striking down Obamacare
  3. Anarchists Take to Streets in Milwaukee
  4. Dem Strategist Bob Shrum Believes Blacks, Latinos Are Really Stupid
  5. Poe To Go
  6. Work-Related Of The Day
  7. Union Boss Of The Day
  8. Oh, grow up, FFS!
  9. Thoughts triggered by Holocaust Centre visit
  10. Breitbart lives in the heads of Netroots Nation protectors of Elizabeth Warren
  11. Zimmerman prosecutor has history of going after critics
  12. Thank him and you for his service
  13. Bring bigger charts
  14. Friday Fume
  15. From Bad…
  16. Government is NOT The Solution!
  17. Daily Read – June 8
  18. DONE!
  19. Liveblogging the Netroots-Nutroots Kook-alabonga
  20. New Mexico Driver’s License Ring Bust Reveals National Operation
  21. Forget the Pain
  22. IF you are about 60 years or older..hear this!!
  23. How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence
  24. the coming tribulation - how to prepare for it ,where to run to by Lyn McSweeney
  25. Romney Camp Slams Obama Over His “Private Sector Is Doing Fine” Remark…
  26. NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Double Standard: 68 Hot Dogs Good, Sodas Over 16 Ounces Bad…
  27. That Creepy Obama Smile…(VIDEO)
  29. ‘You’re Not Special’: Wellesley High School Teacher Gives The Most Blunt Commencement Address Ever
  30. Ah Diversity..."The Met now has eight hermaphrodites on its books, along with four transsexuals"
  31. Dalton McGuinty Will Give You Tax Dollars To Cut Your Dick Off But Won't Pay To Save A Child's Sight
  32. Heartache- Liberal democrats threatening not to vote in November for Obama
  33. WI Public Employee Union Boss Blames 'Tea Party' and people who want 'White man rule'
  34. The Importance of a Philosophical Foundation
  35. Forced Unionism on the Ropes


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