Friday, June 8, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 7, 2012


  1. Ethics case against Rep. Waters to resume
  2. Oprah's career 'tanking because of Obama'
  3. Whine Of The Day
  4. Bitch Slap Of The Day
  5. R.I.P
  6. Cruel June for Obama, Dems and could get worse
  7. Iowa NAACP leader quits over same-sex marriage flap
  8. Things that make you go..hmmmmmmmmm…
  9. What Stukas and Panzers couldn’t, bureaucrats can-
  10. Terrorist, Or Just A Very Naughty Boy-
  11. If Angela Corey threatened suit against Dershowitz and Harvard, she needs to step down from Zimmerman case
  12. Stand with Ali
  13. Beemers4Barack
  14. The one photo which sums up the entire Wisconsin protest/recall effort
  15. Memories
  16. D-Day…The Image of Heroes 

  17. Tol’ja!

  18. D.C. – Dysfunction Junction

  19. Daily Read – June 7

  20. Another Prominent Democrat Rides The Obama Rejection Wave

  21. Weekend Travel – Weekend Blogging

  22. Paul Ryan on Democrat Plan: “All They’re Going to Offer Is Fear and Envy” (Video)

  23. Herman Cain: Barack Obama Is Determined to Destroy Our Capitalistic System (Video)

  24. Need a Job?… Al-Qaeda Is Advertising For Suicide Bombers

  25. Green Lemons… Obama’s $529 Million Green Loan to Finnish Company That Made $100,000 Cars Is Linked to Al Gore

  26. No Fear of Man!

  27. Islam ... say no more Report- Five Pakistani women

  28. Wis. County-By-County Election Map Shows How Dominating Walker’s Victory Was 

  29. When a politician says that he is Pro Choice but

  30. Give a man a fish,

  31. Mountains are easier to move

  32. Walking Trees - Mornay Johnson

  33. Americans honor our heroes

  34. But, Nancy, you didn’t hold a vote on DOMA repeal when you were Speaker (& Democrats Held Majority In The House)

  35. Democracy to Democrats- The game is not over until we win

  36. A great woman honors a great man

  37. Bill Clinton Adviser On Why He Keeps Shanking Obama: He’s Too Old To Stay On Message…

  38. Axeldouche- “No One Is Doubting Romney Is Qualified To Be President”…

  39. Preach It- Romney Says Obama’s Economic Policies a “Moral Failure of Tragic Proportions”…

  40. NOT ONE WORD From Obama White House On Anniversary Of D-Day Invasion

  41. BOOM! Romney Destroys Obama Fundraising Efforts (WSI RELATED)

  42. WHI Proven Correct Again – Unions Spent MILLIONS To Defeat Scott Walker

  43. Watch Congressman Issa Reveal Eric Holder’s Lies…

  44. Tea Party, Conservatives Triumph in Wisconsin Smackdown

  45. Take a gander at who has entered the Brett Kimberlin fray

  46. Feds Break International Child Porn Operation

  47. Democrat Chairman Of D.C. Council Resigns After Bank Fraud Charge

  48. Teachers At Elite New York City Prep School Accused Of Sexually Abusing Students For Decades

  49. Miami Homeless Man High On ‘Bath Salts’ Growls, Tries To Bite Police Officer And Smashes His Head Against Cell

  50. Wisconsin Occutards And Union Thugs Not Finished Throwing Hissy Fit (Video)

  51. Good News: Vote To Kill Section 13 Bill C-304 Passes 153 to 136, Bad News: Some Conservatives Voted For The Tranny Bill
  52. Tory MP wants Canada to leave UN
  53. Gloria Allred- Cannibalism Bad!

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