Thursday, June 7, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 6, 2012


  1. It’s Come to This- The ‘Tolerant’ Left’s Twitter Wishes for Scott Walker to be Assassinated
  2. Caught- Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005  
  3. Boneheads Of The Day 
  4. On-The-Ground Wisconsin Recall Election Coverage 
  5. Video Of The Day  
  6. Going Home 
  7. No More Excuses 
  8. Clinton stumps for Obama then bucks him on tax policy 
  9. Clinton breaks with Obama on extending Bush-era tax rates 
  10. Terrorist, Or Just A Very Naughty Boy- 
  11. Australia’s secret open door policy- 
  12. Snowing Again 
  13. Austerity vs Growth 
  14. Worst and Best Wisconsin Recall Predictions
  15. Thank you, Scott Walker
  16. Oh what a night
  17. Is NYC next-
  18. Georgia Dem Political Director drops suit against Georgia conservative blogger
  19. Bubba hasn’t had this much fun since … (Update- There he goes again)
  20. Next victim, please
  21. Democrats Join GOP in Condemning Leaks on Military, Intelligence
  22. The Wisconsin Effect on Liberal/Socialists
  23. 6 June 1944
  24. You KNEW It Was Coming!
  25. “Good Policy Makes Great Politics”
  26. Daily Read – June 6
  27. Heh!
  28. A REALLY Good Day For Americans
  29. Daily Read – June 5 
  30. Comedy Gold… Obama Camp on Last Night’s Thumping- “A Strong Message to Governor Walker” 
  31. Sarah Palin: No I Don’t Feel Sorry For Tom Barrett – He “Tried to Fool the Public” (Video)
  32. Clean-Up In Aisle 9… WALKER ROMPS IN WISCONSIN – Will The Left Please Claim Their Trash
  33. BEST LINE OF NIGHT!… Sarah Palin on Wisconsin Recall: “Obama’s Goose Is Cooked” (Video)
  34. Right on Time!
  35. Peace is Yours!
  36. An 8-point margin is a photo finish-
  37. No identification requested when voting in California primary
  38. Does Bill Clinton want Barack Obama to lose-
  39. Soros Spends $400 Million To Indoctrinate College Students…
  40. Breaking: House Committee Rules Against Maxine Waters, Ethics Case Against Her To Move Forward… 
  41. Red Meat For The Libs- Axeldouche Blames Evil Koch Brothers For Walker Victory…
  42. Bono And Richard Gere Hail “Indispensable” Leadership of Nancy Pelosi…
  43. Today- 68th Anniversary of D-Day…
  44. Obama Campaign Tries To Spin Wisconsin Recall Defeat: A “Strong Message Was Sent To Governor Walker”…
  45. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER- “Don’t Repeat That Walker Campaign Donations Lie – It’s Bullsh-t”
  46. WALL STREET INSIDER- ” It Is Imperative The Disease Be Contained At All Cost “
  47. Eisenhower Never Took Credit
  48. Your Daley Gator Happy Conservative Picture O’ The Day – Wisconsin Turns Red
  49. The real reason the Union thugs HATE Scott Walker
  50. House GOP Obtains “Fast & Furious” Wiretaps That Prove Holder, Top DOJ Officials Have Been Lying About What They Knew
  51. Adding Insult to Injury- Woman Slaps Barrett In The Face For Conceding
  52. D- Day - Thank A Vet
  53. Hope For Canada- Scott Walker Wins - Parasite Public Service Unions Defeated

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