Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 4, 2012



  1. I Am Barack Obama's Worst Nightmare

  2. Judge Should go to Jail, Not Pastor Who Taught Discipline of Children!

  3. No Country for Old Incumbents

  4. Obama aides at war with each other

  5. Chuck Norris enters 2012 political ring

  6. President Bill Clinton vs. Gov. Scott Walker and me

  7. It’s-All-About-ME! Of The Day

  8. Quote Of The Day

  9. War in the White House: attorney general Eric Holder and top Obama adviser David Axelrod ‘had to be separated’

  10. Leaks from the Obama administration are harming national security

  11. LGBT fascism may come for you

  12. I want to get high

  13. Elizabeth Warren is full of firsts

  14. Ontarian insurrection

  15. White/Jewish

  16. Desperation wearing a cheesehead hat

  17. Good job

  18. Money and Politicians

  19. Stop The Madness!

  20. Daily Read – June 4

  21. It Begins… Far Left Thugs Beat Homeowner For Not Allowing Dem’s Signs In His Yard

  22. Cannibal Killer Luka Magnotta Captured in Berlin

  23. Affliction Undone

  24. Rick Perry- Electing Barack Obama Was Our National Oops Moment

  25. Democratic National Convention Schedule Released for September

  26. Francis Frangipane- The Utterances of God

  27. Wisconsin Democrats Deep Despair with Decision Day Dawning

  28. This is not Patrick Guerriero’s Log Cabin 

  29. Obama To Sing Showtunes- Holding “Barack on Broadway” Fundraiser With Bill Clinton Tonight In NY

  30. Danish Court Convicts Four Men of Planning Terror Attack on Newspaper That Printed Mohammed Cartoons…

  31. Meet Rabbi Arnold Wolf: The Socialist Anti-Israel Rabbi Who Helped Obama “Know More About Judaism Than Any Other President”…

  32. WHITE HOUSE INSIDER- Barack Obama’s High Tech Snuff Films…

  33. Talk Radio Legend Neal Boortz Announces Retirement, Names Herman Cain As His Replacement

  34. Outrage As Video Of ‘Sick’ Prankster Faking Zombie Attacks In Miami Sweeps Web After Outbreak Of Real-Life Cannibal Crimes

  35. Brett Kimberlin, and his buddy, Neal Rauhauser are a proctologists dream

  36. Traditional Foods on the Holidays -- What If

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