Monday, June 4, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 3. 2012



  1. Waging a War on America's Unborn Women

  2. Stunning Democrat Hypocrisy

  3. Progressive Education's War On Knowledge

  4. Reducing the Female Population Given a Big Thumbs-Up by Democrats

  5. NYC mayor blasts sugar-ban critics


  7. Kleefish- Union Bosses Abusing Recall Function

  8. Open Thread Sunday

  9. sycophantic rubbish

  10. Judges should be angry and irrational

  11. Sunday morning music

  12. The One

  13. No card game tonight, but some notable links

  14. Dems need to learn- Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away

  15. Results of Massachusetts Democratic Convention (Update: Dem Delegates knock DeFranco off ballot, hand nomination to Warren)

  16. Holder Perpetrating Voter Fraud in Florida

  17. Revelation 13-3-8

  18. Daily Read – June 3

  19. Elizabeth Warren Says She Will Be MA’s First Native American Senator – Cherokees Disagree (Video)

  20. Cherokees Set Up Website – Demand Truth From Phony Indian Elizabeth Warren

  21. Jeb Bush Tells Congress He’d Raise Taxes to Cut the Deficit (Video)

  22. Obama DOJ to Florida: Let The Dead Vote! …Update: Florida to Obama DOJ: Buzz Off

  23. Days in the Spirit

  24. Shhh. . . Don’t tell Eric Holder

  25. Free markets are good for gays

  26. Why do gays have “an outsized place in the public imagination”-

  27. Castro Daughter: “As a Citizen of the World I Prefer Obama”…

  28. Report: Axeldouche And Holder Nearly Came To Blows After White House Meeting…

  29. Name of AFL-CIO’s Super PAC Will Sound Rather Familiar If You’re A Communist…

  30. Florida Tells Holder To Blow It Out His Ass

  31. Why Are We Still Sending Foreign Aid to These Islamic Nations When They Vote Against Us at the UN?

  32. Obama- I Don't Know Why I Have to Spend So Much Time With Senators from Podunk City Just To Get

  33. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  34. Stossel on The rise of the Food Police

  35. -VIDEOS- It’s Double-Shot Sunday Featuring Bill Whittle

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