Thursday, June 21, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 20, 2012


  1. Issa: DOJ Hasn't Turned in Docs Before Holder Meeting

  2. Reality: Democrats Won't Win Back the House

  3. My tabs are bulging...

  4. Why Liberals Are Selfish

  5. Daily Read – June 20

  6. It’s Been Raining!

  7. Hypocrites Of The Day

  8. Union demands investigation into ‘climate of fear,’ alleged staff abuse at EPA

  9. Voters Sour on Obama

  10. Last-minute deal fizzles, Holder contempt vote still on tap

  11. Is this the end of Eric Holder’s games?

  12. When Will Mike Huckabee Apologize to Bristol Palin?

  13. The Degenerate Left

  14. Luka Magnotta Pleads Not Guilty!

  15. Glenn Beck's Toronto Talk

  16. Parties that led Greece to ruin to form ‘salvation’ government

  17. Media Release: Bruce Bawer Praises the Legal Project for its Critical Assistance in Anders Breivik Trial

  18. Democratic Party Convention Schedule

  19. Holder stalls, Republicans plan to hold contempt vote today

  20. Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren still won't meet Cherokee women

  21. Hypocrisy: NSA refuses to say if it spied on you because it would violate your privacy

  22. huh?

  23. The Gift of Hunger

  24. Misfortune

  25. Why President Obama Will Lose in a Landslide

  26. More Democrats Turning Away From Barack Obama

  27. What Would Lou Gehrig, Bob Richards, and Ronald Reagan say about General Mills’ Support for ‘Gay Marriage’?

  28. Twitter reacts to Elizabeth Warren’s attack on me

  29. I think I’ve found a third party

  30. Elizabeth Warren loses it, lashes out at “right wing extremist” (me)

  31. Slavery in New Zealand

  32. ‘You are all gonna burn in hell! Burn in hell!’ ...

  33. Bibles at work in New Zealand

  34. Old Habits Broken!

  35. Best Fast n Furious Ad Yet . . .

  36. No Longer Silent

  37. Executive Privilege Claimed On Fast & Furious

  38. Forget Critic’s Choice, She’s Wyatt’s Choice

  39. The Act Of Voting Is Going To The Dogs

  40. *VIDEO* Issa On DOJ’s “Serious Wrongdoing”, Holder’s Contempt Of Congress, And Obama’s Executive Privilege Claim

  41. *VIDEO* Judge Napolitano: Executive Privilege Only Applies If Obama Was Personally Involved In Fast & Furious

  42. Fast And Furious Cover-Up Continues: Obama Asserts Executive Privilege Over Documents

  43. I love being right!

  44. Office of Speaker of the House: White House Either Lied or Is Involved in ‘Fast and Furious’ Cover- Up

  45. Holder’s “Extraordinary” Contempt

  46. BREAKING: House Oversight Committee Votes 23-17 To Hold Eric Holder In Contempt of Congress…

  47. House Oversight Committee Holds Eric Holder in Contempt

  48. Holder Will Lose Executive Privilege Fight

  49. The Crimes are Worse Than the Cover-up

  50. The Purpose of Fast and Furious

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