Sunday, June 3, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 2, 2012


  1. Who's a Hero-

  2. Dallas' Al Sharpton Gets Caught

  3. Bonehead Of The Day

  4. Ewww Of The Day

  5. Do-As-I-Say Of The Day

  6. Work-Related Of The Day

  7. Racebaiter Of The Day

  8. History Channel- The real face of Jesus

  9. Weed helps with not thinking

  10. Rallying the troops for Tuesday

  11. Don’t aspire to achieve success, be envious of it

  12. Hit the Fed’s tip jar

  13. Mass Dems set to ditch true liberal in favor of self-aggrandizing fake Cherokee historic Bar-exam taking nursing mother foreclosure speculator

  14. Now I get it

  15. Not a headline anywhere

  16. An Age Seems to Have Passed

  17. Friday Fume

  18. Remember…It’s YOUR Money

  19. 7 Out Of 10

  20. Daily Read – June 2


  22. Mitt Romney Thanks Bill Clinton for Praising His “Sterling” Record at Bain Capital

  23. GREEN SCAM: 80% of Green Energy Loans Went to Obama Donors – 19 Companies Went Bust (Video)

  24. Energy Imparted

  25. The good person concealed beneath our political persona

  26. The “first election decided by a battle over baby bottles”-

  27. Has Yahoo! ever offered the headline:

    “Obama won’t tell Maher to dial it down”?

  28. The Green Energy Bubble Is Bursting Fast Everywhere

  29. Jobs Report A grim jobs report for America

  30. The Latest Leftist Smear of Patriots and Constitutionalists by Thomas DiLorenzo

  31. Old Man Smell is a Myth and a Bad Book

  32. Bubba Clarifies Compliment Of Romney’s Work At Bain- I Didn’t Endorse Him, But I Wasn’t Attacking him

  33. RED HOT Conservative Chicks- Mary Katherine Ham 

  34. It’s 9-30 In America – “John 9-30″

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