Monday, June 18, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 17, 2012


  1. Holder's Just-Us Department under Fire
  2. God Bless the Conservative Father
  3. Steyn on Obama's economics speech
  4. Psalm 73:3-20
  5. Daily Read – June 17
  6. UGH!
  7. Daily Read – June 16
  8. Romney: Obama fears Israeli attack on Iran more than Iran nukes
  9. Dobbs defends TheDC’s Munro: ‘What’s rude is the president not speaking to the American people’
  10. Orwellian thought control at Oregon State University
  11. Bitching About Canada's Surly Border Guards Soon To Be A Thing Of The Past...Or Else
  12. Ezra Levant: Broadcast standards council upset over my 'excessive' language in dealing with Chiquita Banana
  13. Happy Father's Day: Left-Wingers Want You To Pee Sitting Down
  14. 'Occupy Unmasked' Earns Standing Ovation at RightOnline
  15. Off to the coast in the morning
  16. Theft of New Zealand – the Coastline is JUST THE BEGINNING!
  17. Grafted in, you must allow the pruning, it's for your health and well being
  18. A Prophet can't operate on Feelings, Senses and Thoughts... only what comes from the Father
  19. "Modern-day Nostradamus" has warning for U.S.
  20. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies
  21. DaleyGator Daley Thought 6-17-12 Geraldo Rivera-Low Life
  22. RIP Rodney King dead
  23. *VIDEOS* Right Online 2012
  24. Why are Liberal women so obsessed with their vaginas?
  25. DaleyGator Daley Thought Racial Obsession Syndrome strikes again
  26. Misogynist Christian-Hater Bill Maher: “The Problem With Racism Is Matt Drudge” (Video)
  27. Vegas RO12, Right Wing Bloggers Gone Wild – Wish You Were Here, John Podesta
  28. Mitt Romney’s Silent Majority UNION Power?
  29. Top White House Adviser David Plouffe Admits Obama’s Has No Plan For Reelection…
  30. Best Selling Author Compares GOP To Hitler…
  31. Sarah Palin: The cocktail circuit gives me grief for eating elk & moose but they give Barry a pass on chowing down Fido
  32. Progressive Harvard Law Prof: Obama “must be defeated”
  33. The revolution will not be wearing spandex
  34. Update on Mia B. Love’s Utah Congressional bid
  35. Blockade
  36. Christian Culture and the baptized modernist
  37. “Everybody matters to this movement online and in person”





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