Sunday, June 17, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On June 16, 2012


  1. Open Thread Saturday
  2. Well, it made me smile…
  3. But how many Muslims have been tried for atrocities-
  4. Born again - what does this mean-
  5. Abortion in the east - Are we any better-
  6. What’s up with Maine Senate contest-
  7. Near Godwin, CA
  8. Stain on Canadian democracy removed
  9. Muslim Youth Helpline Suspended For Racism, Extremism & Homophobia - Muslims Shocked! Shocked!
  10. Howard 'The Scream' Dean Calls FOX News “The Right-Wing Propaganda Network”
  11. Catholic hospitals reject Obamacare requirement to provide birth control
  12. Milton Wolf’s video op-ed takes on the Chevy Volt. Lutz!
  13. Desperately Dissing W
  14. Revolution: North Dakota Considers Ditching Property Tax
  15. A pretty rough appraisal of President Obama...and true
  16. While Biden Bashes America His “Great Chinese City” Smothers In Murky Haze
  17. Congratulations, Gateway Pundit Readers!… Please Take a Bow
  18. Arizona Officials: Obama’s “Backdoor Amnesty” Is “Destruction of Rule of Law”
  19. Right Online Friday Night- “Hating Breitbart”, Malkin and Sarah Palin (Updated)
  20. Video-Michelle Malkin speech at Right Online
  21. Your Best Damned Blog Post of the Week Award goes to Troglopundit
  22. The latest on the Brett Kimberlin/Neal Rauhauser/blogger intimidation stories


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