Monday, June 18, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of the Day (6-17-2012)


  1. Sam Donaldson: Many on Right ‘Like Limbaugh’ Oppose Obama ‘Not for His Policies’ But Because He’s Black
  2. Sam Donaldson: Many on Right 'Like Limbaugh' Oppose Obama 'Not for His Policies' But Because He's Black
  3. Toronto Star Article Portrays Victimhood Of Muslims In Malmo Sweden - No Mention That Jews Have Been Forced To Flee
  4. Mosaic Of Diversity Alert: Toronto Arab Newspaper "Meshwar" Publishes Love Poem To Suicide Bomber
  5. Sam Donaldson plays the race card
  6. CBS News Celebrates Same-Sex Parents For Father's Day
  7. They just can’t let go of Sarah Palin (or her family)
  8. Explain to me again why they are called “reporters”?
  9. Conservative Activists at Right Online Say Neil Munro Was Wrong But Media Is Much Worse
  10. Jim Hoft Rails Against “Immoral, Dishonest and Disgusting” Lib Media at Right Online (Video)
  11. WaPo Journalist: Obama Decided To “Become Black” After Being Branded An “Oreo” By Fellow Black Students While At Occidental College…


Note: 1 and 2 are different post.





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