Friday, June 8, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (6-7-2012)


  1. What the Media Choose Not to Know about Trayvon 
  2. Media humiliated over election coverage 
  3. More Media Declaring Obama the Wisconsin Winner 
  4. MSM Reports Flawed WI Exit Polls to Spin for Obama 
  5. MSNBC's O'Donnell- Obama the Big Winner in Wisconsin 
  6. Obama and the NYT- Working to Keep Iran's Nuclear Program on Track
  7. ‘Obama’s losing.’ (Send money)
  8. Boston Globe columnist and Cherokee blogger face off on whether proof of Elizabeth Warren’s heritage matters
  9. NYT fascinated by Mr. Romney’s Neighborhood(but indifferent to Mr. Obama’s)
  10. A Tale Of Two Washington Post Covers…
  11. New NYT/CBS Poll Finds More Than Two-Thirds of Americans Want Supreme Court To Overturn Obamacare…
  12. Ed Schultz On Why Walker Won WI Recall: “Obama Was Right,” People Are “Clinging To Their Guns And Religion”…
  13. SCANDAL! MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Breaks News That Romney, Maybe, But Nobody Knows For Sure Or Even Cares, Had A Police Uniform While In College…
  14. Estonian President Rips NYT’s “Smug” And “Patronizing” Paul Krugman A New One After Penning Article Trashing His Country
  15. Liberal Media Impaled By Own Pathetic Hypocrisy…
  16. How desperate is the crew at MSNBS-

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