Friday, August 10, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (8-9-2012)




    1. Obama Now Scapegoating Jewish Donor Adelson

    2. Obama Hitting Up Rich in Connecticut for Cash: Mitt is 'Romney-Hood'

    3. Obama Hawking Hoops and Jordan for Campaign Funds

    4. Obama Campaign Email Singles Out Adelson Again

    5. Obama: Media Should Report Only One Side of The Story

    6. The Obama Classic

    7. Obama Dazzles Denver Dames

    8. Obama: The Economy Killer

    9. Obamaloney

    10. Obama's IRS discouraging employees from investigating tax fraud by illegal immigrants

    11. Obama campaign runs from toxic ad linking Romney to woman's cancer death

    12. Chutzpah: Obama's Super PAC accuses Romney of murder, He says GOP Super PACs "Going crazy"

    13. About that claim Obamacare will provide coverage for the uninsured...

    14. Liberal Heartache: Obama isn't going to sing anymore

    15. Obama Lies – It’s Okay. Romney Tells Truth – It’s Not Okay

    16. Obama vs. Ohio Early Voting – Round Two

    17. Obama Lackeys Forced To Admit They Knew All About Soptic Story Used To Smear Romney, And That It Was Bogus (Videos)

    18. Thanks Barack… Released Illegal Aliens Charged With 16,226 Subsequent Crimes Including Murder And Rape

    19. Bummer. Unicorn Rider’s Approval Ratings in the Toilet Again

    20. Obama Campaign LIE Caught On Tape – UPDATE – Obama Campaign Now Admits Lie

    21. Obama Whines Wife Should Be Paid For Being First Lady…

    22. Obama: Let’s Repeat Taxpayer-Funded Auto Bailout With Every Manufacturing Industry…

    23. Obama: Don’t Fire Me, “We’ve Got Too Many Jobs To Create”

    24. Obama Betrays His Liberal Base By Saying He’s A Believer In American Exceptionslism: Every Other Country Wants To Be Us…

    25. Obama Says Election Will “Tip The Balance” On The Supreme Court…

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