Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Article Read On August 20, 2012


  1. How hot is it here?...

  2. Hypocrisy Abounds

  3. HEY CHRIS!!! (aka Grammar Nazi)

  4. Daily Read – August 20

  5. Defending Racism, Liberally

  6. Food-For-Thought Of The Day

  7. Paul Ryan’s Shirtless Photos Emerge

  8. Obama’s defenders cry wolf on racism

  9. An Elusive Vein of Obama Support

  10. SunNews: Man Assaulted Then Arrested: Walking Therapy Dog Offended Muslims At Al-Quds Day Toronto

  11. Remember Dieppe

  12. Man arrested for walking his dog at Al-Quds Day receives threat - "We are going to kill you, you dirty Jew"

  13. Michael Coren Receives An Appeal To Reason Regarding His Stance On Al-Quds Day

  14. Israel Haters Chant In Toronto: From the River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free

  15. I guess that means no

  16. The great divide

  17. Fail: Catholics for Obama web page still claims Barack Obama is Pro-Life

  18. Report: Kid Rock to Play at Republican National Convention

  19. America on Alert!

  20. African scum and their lying apologists:

  21. Whoever said that reporters ain’t smart?

  22. yes indeed…

  23. Branco Cartoon – Flak and Change

  24. Yes they are

  25. '50 Shades' About Pedophilia?

  26. A Message To The Progressive Thought Police

  27. Strength for God's People

  28. Same-Sex Marriage Thought Police?

  29. Words of Wisdom to Live By...

  30. Nerds: Sun Most Spherical Object In Universe

  31. Makin’ Bacon

  32. ‘We Did Build It’: Small Business Owner Taunts Obama Motorcade (Video)

  33. Akin Advisers Ready for Candidate to Withdraw From Race Tuesday – Schweich and Wagner Mentioned as Replacements

  34. NYPD Hate Crime Division Called After Bacon Found on Ramadan Field

  35. Claire McCaskill Funds and Supports Group That Fails to Report Child Rape

  36. Weird… Catholic Dem Governor Does Islamic Praying on Ramadan (Video)

  37. FAIL. Swing State Voters Say They’re Not Better Off Today Than in 2008

  38. Stargate Atlantis--"The Brotherhood"

  39. First the Santa Rosa Fire and now the Santa Roseburg Oregon fire!

  40. WHOA – Mitt Romney Calls For Audit Of Federal Reserve (WSI Related)

  41. Ground Zero Cross – Atheists Have No Prayer

  42. Teachers Quitting NYC School Where Principal Barred Kids From Singing “God Bless the USA,” Told Staff “I’m Black. Your Previous Principal Was White. More Of Us Are Coming”…

  43. Hank Williams Jr. Jabs His Finger In The PC-Obsessed Left’s Eye: “We’ve Got A Muslim President Who Hates The Military, Hates The US And We Hate Him!”…


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