Saturday, August 18, 2012

Be Strong My People


Be Strong My People

By Kathleen Blake


Be strong my people for God is on our side.

Be strong my people for God shall protect you from your enemies.

Be strong my people for God shall give you strength.

Be strong my people for God will keep you safe.

Be strong my people for God shall provide.

Be strong my people for God shall set you free.

Be strong my people for God shall crush our enemies.

Be strong my people for God will show His might.

Be strong my people for God’s might is great.

Be strong my people for God is good and great.

Be strong my people and stand up for what is right.

Be strong my people and stand up for the wary and poor.

Be strong my people for God will heal our land.

Be strong my people for God is to be praised.

Be strong my people for God is our Father.

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