Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama Drama Of the Day (6-19-2012)





  1. Obama Is in Serious Trouble in Pennsylvania
  2. Obama, Messiah No More

  3. Obama's Togetherness

  4. 9 lies about Obama's life

  5. Screenshot Of The Day

  6. 9 Tall Tales From Barack Obama’s Memoir

  7. Obama’s Immigration Ploy Is Meant To Help Obama, Not The Nation

  8. Two Sides to a Sad and Dreary Story About Obama’s Illegal Activities

  9. Obama Team’s Leaks Are, Indeed, ‘Offensive’

  10. Now we learn Obama raised in Singapore?

  11. 'Obama has aged 10 years in 4 years'

  12. Obama Marxists: You ain't seen nothing yet

  13. The biggest illusionist of all time

  14. Endangering America: Obama Seeking Deeper Cuts In U.S. Nuclear Arsenal

  15. How Obama Bankrupted Black Homeowners

  16. 1001 Reasons To Vote Against Barack Obama (Conservative Daily News)

  17. Thanks Barack… Muslim Brotherhood Claims Victory In Egypt Presidential Race

  18. Another Leftist Crime Against Humanity: Dem NH Governor Vetoes Wildly Popular Bill Banning Infanticide

  19. Insanity: Obama plans to move ahead with remainder of health care law if mandate is struck down

  20. Obama Chomps on Gum During G20 Photo Shoot (Video)

  21. In 2007 Obama Warned He’d Make the US Defenseless… Now He’s Unilaterally Cutting US Nukes

  22. Visitations in 2012

  23. Democrat Defends Eric Holder’s DOJ Killing Of Whites And Mexicans

  24. Another Barack Obama Biography Calls Out Obama As A Fake

  25. Team Obama: “The First Lady Is a Woman” . . . “If You Are, Too” Give Us Money…

  26. Obama Campaign’s Strategy: Make People Hate Romney Because He’s White…

  27. Obama Lacks Gravitas, Lectured by Putin


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