Monday, September 3, 2012

My Article Read On September 2, 2012


  1. Rain comes to Charlotte...

  2. The 15th anniversary of the death of Princess Diana......

  3. Quote of the Day...

  4. Malachi 2:1-9

  5. Daily Read – September 2

  6. Kitten Rescue

  7. The Real Rachel Corries

  8. George Galloway: I Support Bashar For The Reason I Supported Saddam...They Pay You?

  9. 'Why I will fight to bear my Cross'

  10. Sunday morning ephemera...

  11. Meet Superdaad! 93 kids, 22 wives

  12. Bounce: Rasmussen Daily Tracking Has Romney Up By Four Over Obama

  13. Will Obama's DNC nomination convention be struck by hurricane Bill Clinton?

  14. Karl Rove Wants to Kill Conservatives and Play Nice with Obama

  15. Wolves stripped of their sheep disguise

  16. Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning? | Pakalert Press

  17. Men Are Just Happier People

  18. What about Mitt Romney???


  20. Chuck Norris" dire warning for America

  21. Somewhere Dennis Prager must be smiling

  22. Monday – Empty Chair Day

  23. Poland hopes to identify remains of Auschwitz hero

  24. the U.N. is the real enemy of freedom.

  25. To Juxtapose – Hide Hits One Out Of The Park

  26. Breastfeeding Nazis, #2

  27. Repaid from Heaven

  28. Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

  29. Charlie And The Carob Factory

  30. Coming Up, On iKini

  31. Former Democrat Congressional Staffer And Obama Official Accused Of Drugging And Raping Women

  32. Jason Biggs sure is fixated on assholes isn’t he?

  33. Look what just crawled out of the Sewer that is Leftism: Kimberlin-Rauhauser Axis Targets Romney Campaign Staffer Bill Murphy

  34. Ouch!… Newt Blasts DNC’s Indefensible and Radical Partial Birth Abortion Platform (Video)

  35. Voter Group Finds 30,000 Dead People Still Registered to Vote in North Carolina

  36. Dem Gov. O’Malley: Americans Not Better Off Than They Were 4 Years Ago (Video)

  37. Suzanne Somers, Erik Estrada & Kristie Alley Tweet Support for Clint Eastwood… Then Face Wrath of the Left

  38. Sioux City Welcomes Obama With Giant “We Did Build This” Sign at Airport

  39. Doctor Who--"Asylum of the Daleks"

  40. God's Golden Glory Oil

  41. Inch by inch, the Democratic Party Continues to Ostracize Christians.

  42. DIAZ: Democrats continue to beat up Christians

  43. WSI Delivers – Valerie Jarrett Exposed – By New York Times

  44. Weekend Edition: Eastwood’s Sudden Impact

  45. Bipartisan Group of U.S. Senators Ask Pakistani PM To Free Christian Girl Accused of Blasphemy…

  46. Tick-Sick Road Trip


  48. Muslim Terrorists’ Prayers Promoted by the Democrat Convention!

  49. Highlights from the Republican Convention

  50. What a blockhead

  51. Good question

  52. How Important is Israel to the U.S.? Check the Map

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