Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Article Read On September 29, 2012


  1. Obama School Lunch Standards: Spartan Rationing, Tossed Leftovers

  2. Michelle Obama Fundraises at Oprah's Old Studio -- Without Oprah

  3. What Republicans in Congress Must Do in 2013, Win or Lose

  4. Romney: 'We Do Not Want Four More Years Of Where We've Been'

  5. A toy train in space...

  6. Rep. King calls on Susan Rice to resign

  7. Daily Read – September 29

  8. Quebec fined for not accommodating obese prisoner

  9. Khadr Back in Canada

  10. This seems like a really bad idea...

  11. The Project

  12. Heckler’s veto: NYC subway authority bans ads that might “provoke violence”

  13. A bedtime story for Americans, from an Aussie

  14. Union Fail: Bay City Public School teachers can get caught dunk 5 times and selling drugs in class 2 times before termination...

  15. Vote ‘President by Proxy’ Valerie Jarrett out of office on Nov. 6

  16. “Asylum seekers” my ass:

  17. How to deal with spiders

  18. Rick Joyner: Abiding in the King Produces Kingdom ...

  19. The Father says today excuse Me? -- Prophets Russ...

  20. just before the prophet of God emerges to significant...

  21. To my friends who are self identified 47%ers: The...

  22. Because you won't hear about any of this on CBS, NBC...

  23. In case you did not hear that clearly, we will transcribe it the best we can...

  24. Why Throw Them Under the Bus When They Can Fall on Their Swords?

  25. Surrender in New York

  26. How not to raise legal ethics issues as to a candidate

  27. That, and free phones

  28. The power of prayer in defeating same-sex marriage in Australia this month

  29. Kim Dotcom – Just how far left are NZ’s so called “right”?

  30. Create a Pattern

  31. Hippie Auctioning Off Virginity For Poor

  32. Speak Softly And Draw A Big Stick

  33. Game-Changer… Dem Voter Registration in 8 Swing States Outnumbers GOP Decline by 10 to 1 Ratio

  34. Rep. Peter King Doubles Down: Obama Administration’s Benghazi Cover-Up Was For Electoral Politics (Video)

  35. Univision Finds “Holy Grail” Of Fast and Furious Investigation

  36. Why I Changed My Vote

  37. Weekend Edition: The Fast and Furious Libya Cover-Up

  38. Member Of “Obama Boyz” Gang Charged In St. Louis Drive-By Shootings…

  39. Saturday Morning Insult Links

  40. 3 Democrats Charge the American Press with CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT BEHAVIOR

  41. God’s Not Done With America

  42. Why Are They Lying?

  43. Federal Government gives voters in Ohio a million free cell phones.

  44. I Will NOT Bow To Satan!!

  45. Stargate Atlantis--"Echoes"

  46. Full Metal Jacket Reach Around #169

  47. A Presidential Election we Deserve; A Warning and a Hope

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