Thursday, April 25, 2013

This Is The Response I Got From Senator Donnelly About CISPA From My Email To Him


April 24, 2013

Dear Ms. Blake,

I appreciate the time you took to express your thoughts about cybersecurity. Like you, I am concerned about the potential use of the Internet and telecommunications technology to cause harm to the nation's economic and security interests.

Similar to other national security challenges in the post-9/11 era, cyber threats are multi-faceted and lack clearly defined boundaries. The source of cyber intrusions is often difficult to determine, but recent reports indicate that many of these attacks or espionage activities may be sponsored by foreign governments. In light of these findings, we have a responsibility to protect critical networks while we protect civil liberties and individual privacy.

Last Congress, in an effort to protect proprietary information stored on domestic cyber networks, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). I supported this legislation because it gave U.S. businesses the support they need to better protect their customers and networks from a cyber attack, and included provisions to ensure that the private information of American citizens would remain private. This legislation also would have helped to defend our nation's computer networks by making it easier for the federal government and approved U.S. companies to share information about cyber threats and attacks. The 112th Congress ended before the Senate took action on this legislation.

Should future legislation concerning cybersecurity come to the floor of the Senate for a vote, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind.

It is a privilege to represent you and all Hoosiers in the U.S. Senate. Your continued correspondence is welcome and helps me to better represent our state. I encourage you to write, call, or email if my office can ever be of assistance. You can also check out my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter by visiting my website.



My Thoughts: I knew Donnelly would write something like this. I really didn’t expect much from Donnelly.  Here’s why:

When Donnelly was a representative for Indiana, he was a brown noser for Obama. He voted for Obama Care. For this reason I didn’t vote for him. The only thing he has in his favor with me, is he writes back. Which-well-isn’t saying much.