Saturday, April 27, 2013

My Article Read (4-26-2013)


  1. Mother of Tsarnaev brothers faces arrest if she enters US

  2. Should I Vote for Marco Rubio?

  3. White House to Fix Airport Delays They Willfully Caused?

  4. No Credit for Gun Shops: GE Cuts Off Credit – Adam Lanza’s Father is GE Capital Exec

  5. George W. Bush Speech Transcript Library Dedication – Unshakable Faith in America

  6. Best Story: Kelli Atteya Dons Burqa Saves Kidnapped Son in Egypt

  7. Dallas Judge O’Connor: ICE Agents Attempt to Block Deferring Deportation of Eligible DREAMers

  8. Mitch McConnell Fighting for His Seat? The American Dream Video

  9. Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Wins Big California Contract: $35M Per Mile

  10. Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi Visited White House Multiple Times, Stayed for 16 hours Once, Twice for 12 Hours

  11. Saudi National Photographic Evidence of 212 3B Status and Visits to White House

  12. Brothers Tsarnaev Planned to Use a Pressure Cooker Bomb on Times Square

  13. Republican bill takes aim at agency ammunition stockpiling

  14. Judge says no to DHS ruling over immigration by executive order

  15. Tenn. senator asks Piers Morgan when he’s moving back to England

  16. Comcast anti-gun policy smacks of political intimidation

  17. Anthropomorphism

  18. Momentum Shall Increase

  19. Juanita Bynum Responds to Dallas Arrest

  20. Faith Behind the Fascination with Margaret Thatcher's Grandchildren

  21. Dr. Alveda King on Site at Gosnell Trial

  22. Reps challenge DHS ammo buys, say agency using 1,000 more rounds per person than Army

  23. Given life under Obama, more Americans already feeling better about Bush

  24. Ears to Hear/Hearts to Obey


  26. Obama’s FAA “Frustration Device”

  27. Afterburner: Bill Whittle: Are you being demonized by this administration?...

  28. What's for breakfast...

  29. George W. Bush: Smart and classy...

  30. The Top 50 Things to Disappear from Store Shelves during an Emergency...

  31. We LOVE Our Stacey!!

  32. No Cure!

  33. Is It A Brain Tumor?

  34. Just One Story Of Millions

  35. Allah-Fant!

  36. Our Returning Heroes

  37. Jury: Fraud Put Obama On '08 Ballot