Thursday, September 6, 2012

Yes, Sen. Durbin, The DNC Platform Is ‘Godless’ By Tad Cronn


Bishop Jackson is right Christians need to exodus The Donkey Party.  The Democrats  have become godless. They don’t stand for Christians. Open your eyes and see what they stand for. It is godless issues Democrats stand for like abortion, gay marriages, trying to control people, etc. Some other people are noticing it too.

Yes, Sen. Durbin, the DNC Platform Is ‘Godless’ by Tad Cronn, Godfather Politics

Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin must be feeling the hellfire nipping at his heels.

During a recent interview on Fox, Durbin practically had smoke coming out of his ears when he was asked by host Bret Baier why the Democratic Party removed all mentions of God from its official party platform.

Durbin didn’t exactly respond to the question, but instead responded to where he thought it was going:

“If the narrative that is being presented on your station and through your channel and your network, is that the Democrats are godless people, they ought to know better. God is not a franchise of the Republican Party. Those of us that believe in God and those of us who have dedicated our lives to helping others in the name of God don’t want to take a second seat to anyone who is suggesting that one word out of the platform means that the Democrats across America are godless. Come on Bret.”

Just a touch defensive, no?

The fact is that God has been doing a vanishing act for years in the Democratic Party platform. In 2004, when the nominee was ketchup fortune houseboy John Kerry (who in case you didn’t know it, served in Vietnam), the DNC platform mentioned God seven times. In 2008, when Obama was up for the coronation, God only rated a single mention, and that was in the phrase “God-given.” By way of contrast, this year’s GOP platform mentions God 12 times.

Read more:


Related Articles:

  1. Defensive Dick Durbin on Taking God Out of the Democrat Platform

  2. Embarrassing even for Dick Durbin

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