Sunday, September 23, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (9-22-2012)



  1. Obama's Ambition

  2. All is not as it appears in presidential race

  3. Obama's Quasi-Tax Increases

  4. Can Obama Cruise to Victory?

  5. Opulent Obama Parties with Rich and Famous

  6. Dislike Obama? You’re Racist!

  7. All hail the great and powerful Ozbama!

  8. Offensive: Obama Selling Obamaized U.S. Flag Prints

  9. Truth is the Ultimate Gaffe

  10. Obama now Openly Destroying the USA and he’s rising in the polls?

  11. Chart of the Day: Obama's Legacy

  12. Obama to Condemn Christian Filmmaker Before United Nations

  13. Obama Campaign Website Has No Detailed Economic Plan

  14. On Obama’s Watch

  15. Obama’s Gaffe Patrol shoots blanks

  16. I call this "Piss Obama"

  17. How Obama Screwed up the Middle East

  18. Obama: “We must educate our children to become like young Egyptian people”

  19. Four Reasons Why the Obama Administration Can’t and Won’t Protect the US

  20. Obama: The Muslim Court Jester

  21. Obama silent on 'Piss Christ' artwork

  22. Obama Bows to Islam But Refuses to Apologize for “Pi$$ Christ” Art Project

  23. Questions Now Turn To WHY Obama White House LIED About Muslim Embassy Attacks…

  24. No Joke: Obama To Condemn Mohammed Film During His U.N. Speech…

  25. Obama Ripped For Profusely Apologizing For Mohammed Film But Staying Silent On “Piss Christ” Exhibit In NYC…

  26. Meltdown

  27. Hey Barry, tell me if you've heard this one

  28. Unmasking Obama — Washington Examiner, 'The Obama You Don't Know'

  29. NEW Obama Regime slander on the U.S. Marines

  30. Obama Fibs Again: When Will the Public Decide Enough is Enough?

  31. Good News: Obama To Trash First Amendment in Speech to U.N.

  32. Obama and Hillary Continue to Humiliate America

  33. More on Obama’s Univision Interview Fumbling, His Patronizing of Audience, His Broken Promises to Hispanic Voters on Immigration Reform (video)

  34. Obama Entrusted Muslim Brotherhood With Benghazi Consulate Security

  35. Obama used the Muslim Brotherhood as security at the Benghazi Consulate where Ambassador Stevens was murdered

  36. Collateral Damage: How Obama’s War on Coal Hurts All Americans

  37. Obama: Head of the “Class”

  38. Pledging Allegiance to the Narcissist in Chief

  39. Saturday Movie Matinee: Obama and Holder’s Fast and Furious Lies Exposed

  40. BHO’s real dad taught him to love jazz

  41. Obama Is Not That Bright


  43. After seeing “2016: Obama’s America”, I’m livid. Everything we thought about Obama is confirmed, there’s no doubt he hates America

  44. Obama is Hope-Less

  45. Obama Chose His Side

  46. How The U.S. Obama White House Would Have Handled the Custer Massacre

  47. Incompetent or Malevolent?



Via Northern Gleaner


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