Sunday, September 23, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (9-22-2012)


  1. Chick-fil-A wronged by media again

  2. Four in Ten Newspaper Jobs Have Disappeared in the last Ten Years

  3. Fraudulent Hopes and Horrible Changes – 2

  4. Fail: Boston Herald spins 6 point Scott Brown lead as a " narrow lead"

  5. MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts Laughably Insists Democrats Didn’t Control Congress for Two Years of Obama Term

  6. “Windy Wendy” Cukier wastes no time in whining to the media about court loss

  7. Gallup: Distrust in media hits new high

  8. Finish hard, and fight through the finish line

  9. Tingles Says Unemployment Was Over 10% When Obama Took Office …(It was only 7.8%)

  10. Gas Prices More Than Double Under Obama… State-Run Media Couldn’t Care Less

  11. Tingles: Black People Thank Me For Using The Race Card…

  12. Journalist Asks AP, NY Times To Stop Using Term “Illegal Immigrant”…

  13. NPR Asks: 'Did the Wheels Just Fall Off the GOP Campaign?' David Brooks Says Yes, Mitt's Worse Than Gore, McCain

  14. Incompetence, the Media’s Achilles Heel; Give Ridicule a Chance

  15. Proving Media Bias

  16. Too busy reporting flaws in Romney’s campaign to notice failure of Obama’s policies

  17. Will growing popular distrust in media help keep Romney in the game?

  18. WH compliant media now sees military-style tactics in US Consulate siege

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