Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Article Read On September 22, 2012


  1. Unlikely: Iran Promises To Wipe Israel Off The Map If Attacked…

  2. Florida Jews Turning from Obama

  3. IL Dem 'Small Businessman'... Has No Clients

  4. Did Romney succumb to libtard pressure to release his tax returns?...


  6. Daily Read – September 22

  7. Chick Fil-A Didn’t Cave

  8. Tweet Of The Day

  9. Nevada Republican to Harry Reid: Make our day, release your 2011 tax return

  10. Senators Express Dissatisfaction in Clinton’s “Disrespectful” Benghazi Briefing Short on Answers

  11. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu joins U.S. election as he appears in $1million anti-Obama ad targeted at Jewish voters

  12. ‘These people are not afraid to do beheadings'

  13. … And the abyss stared back

  14. Harper Must Publicly Stand With Canadian Coptic Christians Named In Egypt's Innocence Of Muslims Arrest Warrants

  15. Flag Burning? OK Let's!

  16. Talentless Irritating Hag Famous Only For Marrying Dead Beatle Calls For Pussy Riot Release

  17. Happy first day of autumn!

  18. Mohammed 1; Constitution 0

  19. About that “vast majority” of peaceful, decent muslims…..

  20. Change of Season...Not for the one who Changes NOT...

  21. Being booed by AARP is a badge of honor

  22. Two footballs spiked before the game was over

  23. Go ahead, argue with these bumper stickers

  24. The hypocrisies of the enlightened

  25. Confirming Signs Are with You

  26. Kato Kaelin: “O.J. Did It”

  27. Allison Earp: R.N.!

  28. Joe (Captain Gaffetastic) Biden On Cheerleaders: “The Stuff They Do On Hard Wood, It Blows My Mind”

  29. *VIDEO* Howard Stern Exposes Obama Supporters For The Completely Clueless Imbeciles They Are

  30. House Votes To Stop Obama’s War On Coal

  31. Romney Donated 30% Of Income To Charity; Obama “The Great Redistributor” Donated 1-5% Before Running For President

  32. Mort Zuckerman: Romney Can Still Overcome Obama’s Dishonesty and Divisiveness

  33. Eagle Forum XLI With Phyllis Schlafly in St. Louis

  34. Breaking: After June Libyan Consulate Bombing Obama Administration Bragged: “Our Security Worked”

  35. Full Metal Jacket Reach Around #168

  36. Stargate Atlantis--"Progeny"

  37. Hallelujah! Thick skull penetrated

  38. Francis Frangipane: Door of Hope

  39. America must have a come to Jesus moment

  40. The Cause Of America's Downfall...either in whole or in part...students are brainwashed according to plan

  41. Amusing: Texas deer hates Obama...


  43. 2016 The Movie “Obama’s America” – WATCH THE FULL LENGTH MOVIE HERE

  44. Tax returns show Mitt Romney’s empathy

  45. 150 years





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